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  1. Hey! Well, I know this is probly a stupid question, but I was just wondering... Mt bf wants to try anal, which I would like to try too. He has been fingering me and all, cuz we're gonna take it slow ( and we read-up a lot on advice and such on how to make it less painful....) My question is...well...I'm wondering, considering what comes out of there, how can I know none of it will go on his penis? I find that thought desgusting! Is there anything I'm supposed to do before? Or what? Thx for the help!
  2. Thx everyone! I have another question though....since I'm really not comfortable with my body right now, having sex is the last thing I wanna do...But I'm worried that my bf is gonna get tired of being rejected and he'll start looking elswhere for sex....I don't think he'd cheat on me, but would he break up over this? Anyone have any advice?
  3. Well, I wasn't too sure where exactly I should post this... I have been with my bf for 1 1/2 year now. We've always had a good sex life and all that... I didn't use to like my body , but he made me accept it...( I just wasn't comfortable with it...). Then the other day he made a comment about how I had gained weight lately.... ( I gained like 8-9 pounds in the last 4 months or so..The reasons are that I started university and other stuff....) He said he still wants to be with me, that he was just saying that as a ''warning'' . In a way, I know it must have been hard for him to tell me this but since he's told me this, I'm back to not being comfortable with my body and he tried initiating sex a couple of times but I'm just too embarrassed of my body now He told me the other day that I seemed distant , like I didn't care or something. I do care, but I think that I'm just having a hard time dealing with my bf calling me fat! ( I'm not skinny, I know, but I'm not 200 pounds either!! ) Am I just over-reacting, or ..what?
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