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Posts posted by MiaLeah

  1. I'm currently doing some research on marriage and mate selection. If anyone is willing to answer my questions, it would be greatly appreciated.


    1)How long have you been married?

    2)What important things did you know about your mate before marriage?

    3)What would you have liked to know about your mate before marriage, even though it probably would not have made any difference?

    4)What qualities does your mate have that are important to you?

    5)Did anyone make suggestions on how to fund the best mate before you were married?

    6)What were those suggestions?

    6)What were you looking for in a mate? Did you have any clear idea what you wanted in a mate that you would spend the rest of your life with?

    7)What advice would you give your children and grandchildren about finding the right mate?

    8 )What are the most important qualities the right mate has to have?

    9)f you were 17 again, what would you look for in a lifetime partner?

    10)Is there anything about your partner that you did not know before marriage that would have prevented you from marrying him or her had you known before?



  2. I actually can't pinpoint the reason I'm always attracted to older men. So far, they've been the only ones I really get along. I never feel as if I'm on the same level when I'm with guys my own age. Most of the things I'm involved with cause me to associate with people who are older than be anyway, so I'm just used to it. I'm 18 and dating a 33, soon to be 34 year old now. When I was 15 I was in love with a 38 year old. I made the mistake of telling him, which didn't work in my favor.

  3. I take it that you're staying in the dorms. Will you be sharing a room with someone? Your college should give you contact information about the person. Try to contact that person before you go. Once you get there, try to at least get along with your roommate. If they make friends, then you might be able to meet people that way.


    This sounds kind of cheesy, but my friend went to a college where she didn't know anyone. The first day, she and her roommate decided to go door to door on their floor and introduce themselves. By the time they reached the last door, nearly the whole floor had come along with them. I know that sounds kind of stupid, but she made several friends that way.

  4. Well, I was up for a few more hours last night, and the pressure began to lessen until I could no longer feel it. I havn't felt it since, which is good I suppose. I'm being treated like an invalid though...I'm barely allowed to sit up without somebody helping me! I just want to get this over with now.


    I'm having a girl. We didn't want to know the sex at first, but due to the complications, we kind of found out by accident.

  5. I know I'm in good hands. It's just hard not to be nervous, you know? I'm not very good in any type of medical situation. I always fear something terrible is going to happen. You hear all these stories of what it's like and it really doesn't help the situation.


    I know you don't have to wait for your water to break, so that's why I was wondering about this. My mom had been in labor with me all day, but her water never broke so she didn't really pay much attention to it. I don't want to go to the hospital for them to simply tell me to go back home though.


    I went into early labor when I was about 16 weeks, then again around 25 weeks. When it happened the second time they found that the level of amniotic fluid had decreased by 1/3. I had to spend several days in the hospital. But they sent me home, gave me medication, but oddly enough they didn't put me on bed rest. I've known two other women who experienced similar things and they were put on bed rest, or virtual bed rest, for the rest of their pregnancies.

  6. So, I'm due in less than two weeks. Throughout my pregnancy I've had several complications. The doctors warned me that due to these complications, I most likely will not make it to my due date. At around 3 today I started feeling a dull pain in my lower abdomen, but it didn't seem major. I laid down for a while, and it went away. Now it's back. It's not longer painful, but feels more like an intense pressure that comes and goes every few minutes. Could this be a sign that I'm going into labor?

  7. haha nice.



    the doctor cant give you a physical by force... whats he gonna do strap you down while you scream "no please, dont!"


    Yeah, I know. But she says she thinks her doctor will say something like "well we'd better give you a physical before we give you these shots." But they just have to take your temperature b/c you cannot get certain vaccines if your temp is above 101.

  8. Nope. A doctor cannot give you a physical unless you request for one.


    As an aside, I remember when I had to get aphysical as part of my college application. the doctor wrote down I had a Tattoo; when my dad found out, hoooo boy, he was pissed.


    Got to love being a rebel


    They write that type of stuff down? My doctor used to always question me about drugs. She was convinced I was on something.

  9. Alright, so my friend has to go to the doctor tomorrow. She simply has to get two shots for college. That's all that is required by the college. She has a physical, but not by her regular doctor. It was in a sports clinic for school in January. She scared that the doctor will try to give her a physical since that doctor ha not given her a physical in a few years. I told her that her doctor cannot give her a physical if she doesn't want them too, no matter what,especially b/c she's simply there to get two shots. Can somebody please confirm this. She's trying to make me go with her tomorrow, but I'm trying to assure her that it'll be fine.

  10. Dog_Fancy_Gurl24, you got exactly what I meant. I'm not ashamed of the baby, I'm just ashamed of myself. I feel I let my parents down, lied to them, and lost their trust. I'm happy for you that you're getting married. I guess that makes you look a little better. The father of my baby is nearly 16 years older than me. We're not getting married, at least not anytime soon. I just feel this adds to the whole situation. Anyway, hope all is well with you. Thanks for understanding.

  11. MIALEAH if your referring to Erica As trash... You seroiusly need to think about that again. I think it is wrong to talk about something you know little about. And before you throw this at me I want you to know for a fact i know who erica is and were she lives and knows its far far far from trash... Im not trying to be a little snobby brat or anything but who told you you were queen of the world and are better than anyone else in this forum? Not saying im am either but not just Erica any of these other girls could be having that sorta thing go on. Its not there fault its there fuking boyfriends.

    Your no different from anyone else Mialeah whether you think so or not.




    I wasn't directing it at any one person directly. Oh, yeah, it's completely their the guys' faults. Come on. Unless the girls were raped, then they had a say in it! Yeah, I am different...but that's too complicated to go into now.

  12. Hi MiaLeah,

    I know what you mean about it seeming impossible. however, my sister found herself in the exact same kind of situation and my niece's little brother is only 6 months younger than she is. Stranger things have happened.


    I understand why you feel ashamed and all, but shame doesn't really serve any purpose except to make you miserable and to waste your energy. I hope you can get beyond the shame.





    Well, I am not often exposed to pregnant teens anyway, especially those who have boyfriends who sleep with their best friends and get them pregnant as well. I am not associated with trash.


    I know shame doesn't serve any purpose, but I'm not about to get up and start celebrating any time soon! I'm sorry that I had major plans and that I am from a family and lifestyle where teen pregnancy isn't looked upon as a good thing at all. I can't help but be ashamed. I'm not ashamed of the baby, I'm ashamed of myself and my actions and having to admit to being 17 and pregnant. I'm ashamed that I lied to my parents about everything. Sorry, I have a conscience.

  13. It's nice to know you were worrying (well, not that you were worrying, but you know). Everything should be fine as long as I just take it easy, which is getting harder and harder to do. I have an appointment tomorrow, which is kind of stupid since I have been there 4 times within the past two weeks.


    Well my boyfriend and I have it narrowed down to two names. I'd rather not say just yet. We're actually not telling anyone, not even our families. My best friend is determined to find out before the baby's born, but my lips are sealed.

  14. I know sleeping on your stomach isn't good for the baby. I couldn't even sleep on my stomach if I tried anyway.


    Must Love Dogs, you should be really careful then, even though you weren't going into early labor. It could be a sign that something might happen later on. I had this strange pressure like feeling for about a week and I didn't do anything about it. Turns out, it was kind of a warning that something was going to happen. It was horrible. Now I have to spend the majority of the day lying in bed or on the couch. I want to go to a concert next month...I'm determined!

  15. I'm here and I'm alright.

    I went into early labor last week, for the second time so far, so I've been in bed resting a lot lately.

    Only about 3.5 months to go now, thankfully.

    I got accepted to a school near me which I will be going to instead of the college I was planning on going to which was far away from home.

    I don't know about you, but it's very uncomfortable to sleep now that my stomach is very round and in the way.

    I'm being treated like an invalid by everyone; friends, parents, boyfriend. My boyfriend and my parents are not on good terms, but he's coming over constantly to make sure I'm alright. I wish I could just move in with him now.

  16. He says he is willing to move, but he rather stay here. I don't blame him. It's probably what I'll end up doing b/c admittedly, it'll just be easier that way I think.


    I won't live with my parents if I stay here. I'll live with them until right before school starts, then move in with my bf. It'll be better for everyone that way.


    Young1, I hope you feel better. I felt so sick for the first 1 and a half months of my pregnancy. I missed a lot of school b/c of it, but I hadn't told anyone, so everyone thought I was lying about being sick. Did you say earlier that you know what you're having?

  17. I told my parents today. They already knew that I wanted to keep the baby. I had a breakdown a few weeks ago about it b/c I couldn't take the pressure of everyone telling me what I should do, and I couldn't really think for myself. After that, they pretty much decided to let me make up my mind when I was ready. Surprisingly, they're were pretty supportive of my decision when I told them. They've already told me all the reasons they disagree with it months ago, so I'm not sure if they really accept it, or are just being nice about it to not cause any more conflict.


    I know my bf wants to be involved and I want him to be involved. Now it's the decision over whether I go to school where I want and he sacrifices, or I sacrifice and stay here. I think I was just being selfish, thinking if he wasn't in the picture then the decision was only about me. I know I can't do this alone. I really need him and I love him a lot, so I guess I just saw myself as hurting him. He told me today that it would only hurt him if I disregarded him and shut him out.

  18. I think that's exactly why I'm pushing him away; b/c I feel like it's a burden for him. I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I just don't want him doing something just b/c it's the right thing to do. I'm sure he wants to be involved, but I'm just insecure about that type of thing. It's just something I have to deal with and work out.


    It's just a relief to know for sure what I really want to do. At this point, it doesn't matter to me if my parents disagree, I'll be 18 by the time I have the baby anyway. It doesn't matter if people tell me how it will ruin my life, like nearly every person I know has told me. None of that really matters anymore.


    Thanks for your imput and advice, it really helped.

  19. I had a doctors appointment today. To tell you the truth, every other time I've had an ultrasound, I try to block it out, I try to not pay attention. Today was the first time I was actually excited to see the baby. Seeing her move and hearing the heartbeat, I decided I could never give her up. I think at this point, it would be more selfish to opt for adoption. It would only be b/c of convenience, b/c I'm not ready. I have the support. My parents would help me out money wise, but the father has more than enough money to raise a child. We talk about it all the time and he gets mad whenever I say I'm not sure what I want to do. I don't blame him, b/c I disregard his thoughts half the time. The thing is, I know that he wants to be involved and that he'll do whatever it takes to be involved. I guess I'm trying to push him away, but I have no clue why.

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