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Everything posted by dani1971

  1. Thanks so much for your encouraging advice. I have tried to be patient and understanding of his feelings. We have been dating each other for 8 months now and I still have not met his son. It has been really hard for me. I am really starting to develop feelings for him. We have even discussed the situation of me not meeting his son, and he tells me he wants to introduce me into his son's life but he is afraid of the reprocusions from his ex. He feels his child's mother will reataliate (financially) if she knows he is happy and in a relationship. The mother is on the verge of cancelling his monthly child support payments. I want to continue my relationship with him, but I am scared of being hurt. What makes it so bad is that he keeps his son every other weekend plus two nights a week ( so during that time we do not see each other). I am so confused. Any advise you have would be apreciated. Thanks again
  2. I have been exclusively dating my current bf for the past 5 months. He is an extremely hands on parent to his 4 yr old son (keeping him 2 days a week and every other weekend). So naturally he and his ex keep the lines of communication open for their childs benifit. There have been no legal proceedings to decide who has custody (they work it out between themselves). After 5 months I still have not met his son. When I recently brought the subject up my bf told me that he was very protective of who he brought into his son's life. While I respect him for being such a hands on dad, I have to admit that I am a little hurt that he excludes me from that part of his life. The longer I stay with this man the more I care for him and that includes his child. My question is: Is this normal/abnormal behavior for him to exclude me from his relationship with his young son? Is it too soon? Or are there other issues going on? Any advice would be appreciated.
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