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Everything posted by still_hiding05

  1. That means alot to me BellaDonna, it has helped me alot. I do have experience with guys, i have dated a few times before, but nothing serious. I am 15 and i have desperatly tried to date guys my age, but they seem SO immature. i cant stand the fact of going with a guy that plays videos games and is only after you know what. I honestly never have dated a guy under 18
  2. Well ok my post is a little long but here it goes..... Well recently my mothers work building is getting renovated. So there are SOOO many construction workers. Well my mom actually got involved with one of the workers. He does outside work and hangs on decks on the side of the buidling. Well for my age i look grown, but i am not mentioning my age, i just need advice. Well anyways, my moms current boyfriend had a co-worker that wanted to get to know me better. I am the type of person that is very out-going and will do anything that crosses my way. I was like ok, and well a couple of days later my moms boyfriend and his co-worker that wanted to meet me came over for dinner. I mean i got to admit he is a very pretty man. I have never seen something like it. Well when i met him i got all exicted, but i was so shy. After a couple of hours i got to know him better, and i would just look away from him and i could see him just staring at me. Now four months later we are like Twine, you cant separate us. I love him as a friend and he is the same way for me. But i know deep down we have deeper feelings for each other. What do i do? He will be over my house sometimes and we will be sitting and he will just stare at me and take my hand and hold it for the longest of time. Sometimes i just have to pull away because i dont want to look so obvious. My moms boyfriend tells me that this guy i am seeing has to keep his distance and watch his every move. see if we were to date him or have sexual relations i could land him in deep waters. So i mean i have to watch what i do. so in other words, i really like this guy, and it is slowly crushing me that i cant be with him. My mom tells me he will wait on me, but i am not sure about that, he has another life in another state and i dont know if he will keep in touch. I dont wanna end this special something that i have shared with him, but i wanna save myself the heart ache too. So in this post it has mixed feelings, if anyone has any answers to my many questions please feel free to answer.....[/b][/u]
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