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Posts posted by secret01

  1. i would feel jelous. and if that was me, (me being a bit like that myself), i would be more interested in what your were doin, and so on.


    but the point is yeah its possible you could end getting bk with this girl, but what about the next time she pushes you away. these kinda feelings never leave, and they could have something to do with her past. this is why i cant say much, it depends all on the situation and how u all feel about each other,


    remember ppls advice can be good, but they might not nessarcerly work for everyone.


    good luck, anymore question, ur welcome to pm me

  2. i dont know what to say really, i would let your bother tell her. if she only bumped you cus she has comitment fears, then she prob still loves you, and needs a kick up the bum.


    i bet she'll get jelous, and want to come bk, but to find this out you will have to keep an eye on her friends to tell you, cus you cant ask her, that will push her away, and she aint gonna tell you. so keep an ear out from her friends.


    this could take some time so dont wrorry.


    i wish you good luck

  3. i would wait till the november party, but still email him. give it an old casual 'hi i just found your email add, how are you? its been ages since i've seen you, what you been up to'. and he will prob be gad you emailed him, but i dont think you should ask to meet up yet, try and find a lot out before the party.


    good luck

  4. i agree, ask her out, tell her you like her but if shes not intrested that you still like her as a friend. if she turns you down once leaave it as that, girls hate it if you keep on, or make friendships unconfortable. either way your still young so relax and take your time in relationships. you have loads of time for practice.


    good luck and take care

  5. hes a big boy now he should be looking to soport himself. im 19 and yes i still live at home, but if i want something then i get it myself, and the same should go for him.if he wants a job the he should go get one,


    the thing is with him is that he has it easy, and he would want it to stay that way as long as posible. so what you need to do is tell him to go get a job. you need to say that all ariginal plans are demolished. he has to go get a job now, ( give him 3 weeks) but thats all, tell him if he doesnt then he can leave now. and that you have done your best. you need to tell him yes hes your brother and you love him dearly, but you have your little girl to look after and to provide for not him.


    also the thing with the porn website, and going out, all gays are like that, ( well morgority no offence to gays). my m8 is gay and him and hes friends are like that. but he shoould'nt do it on your little girls pc.


    anyway, im rabbiting on now, but good luck, it will work its way out aventually.

    take care

  6. I agree, maybe you should confront him, let him know that he pushed you into being friends with her and then he does this, tell him he needs to sort it out and that it would affect your relastionship with his gf. and if he dont sort it out, then u need to tell him that ul tell her, or drop hints. because its not fair on you either and if the gf finds out then its ur neck aswell. but i think its how much u value the friendship of this girl, and if you see her as a long term friendship.


    either way i think you should talk to your brother first.


    good luck and take care

  7. Thank you sick and tired, and everyone. i do still live at home but my step-dad moved out a few years ago. he only comes around to see the boys at weekends and aslo stays one night a week. we get on fine but i make sure the nights he stay im away. its easier to forgive then to forget.


    i am focusing more on me now, i stoped going to school and missed my exams when i was younger, so now i am in college trying to get my qualifications back that i missed.


    i will keep the therapist thing in mind, and i believe when im ready to confront my past in total i will go.


    thank u and everyone, it helped to get that of my chest. and i hope this will help others in my situation.


    thank you and take care.

  8. thank you all for your replies they meen a lot.


    hes brought it up a litlle before when he has been drunk, but i have never disscussed it with him. i tried to tell my mum once about a year after he perved, and she went balistic, she went through different stages of shouting at me, in the end i denied it happened, it was easier that way.


    Im not sure if i will see a therapist, i do try but i get to the door to make an appiontment and change my mind. i found it hard enough saying what happened on here let alone to someones face. but i hope in time i will have the courage to get past my fears.


    I really apprieciate all the replies. thank you all and take care.

  9. thank you annie for replying,


    i have though about going to a thererpist but i cant do it, my mum has gone, but that was mostly about having me at such a young age, and then the abuse we got from my stepdad. and to tell you the truth it hasnt help her much its transferred more anger onto me.


    my step dad is still about but hes better now i went through alot to protect my younger bros. and now he spoils them to make up for me. but my prblems still remain. i get these anger urges and they scare me, but i know they would never transfer into hurting people.

  10. when i was younger my step dad used to beat me up and my mum stayed with him. we had the police at our house a lot because of him, and he also perved at me a bit. but the problem is even though i have denied it but it has effected me. i dont let anyone touch me ( even hug ) and i cant talk to anyone about my personal problems.


    i really admire anyone who has been through what i have and even worse and not let it affect them. but its really starting to get to me i do want to let ppl get close, but i just cant.


    thanks for any help

  11. yea nice beth that even creeped me out let alone making someone feel even worse.

    nerve i know what your going thru but u need to let it subside, it will pass, i can tell you that for a fact.

    i bet more people care about you then you think, also you need to think if ur feeling that low what you got to lose, so go out and meet some new ppl, do some new things and then see how you feel after. when i get that low i make a bet with my self to find something new.


    i live in london so i can also feel the hectic life around me without me init,

    so if u wanna chat mail me, i will alway mail bk


    good luck

  12. I sort off understand what your going thru. its one of them things were you have to think of the future and adventually you'll get thru it. i would tell you to go and seek advice from a pro but im not a good example of that as i've never been.


    i know its hard at the mo but think of all the ppl u'l leave behind, the ppl that will miss u and will be devastated, thats what helps me.


    if you want to discuss it your welcome to mail me and i will do my best to help.

  13. i do it when i get angry, i was bullied by my step dad alot when i was little to the point i didnt want to come home from school and my mum used to just watch, so now we argue alot and it builds up. everything does.

    i believe its built up tension and pain from the past or current events that we cant talk about or probably understand ourselfs. plus we have stress from everyday life.


    funny enough i've never discussed this with anyone before, but this is why i do it ( i think).


    everyones reason is different.

    i hope this helps.

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