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  1. Just an update. We are still talking and she is kissing me now. I understand that she is not inlove with me anymore or as of right now. I know I have alot to make up for and that she has alot of worries about me. The best thing I can do is show her I am not going anywhere and I love her. It is the only thing I can do. I promise you all I love her. Thank you for all your help. If you have any segestions on showing her how much I love her besides just being there and getting her gifts all the time and showing her I love her please tell me. Thanx.
  2. Trust me I know that I messed up and she knows for shure that I want to be with her and that I love her. I have been fighting for her for a year and thru alot of it she hurt me on purpose. I know she was mad and had every reason to be. I love her and I will do whatever it takes. I will just take the time and trust her. Time will tell I guess is all I have. You asked what she has done to not trust her. I guess I must have put that wrong. Its not that I dont trust her as a person I just dont trust that she is coming back. She has done this on and off for the past year and it really hurts. Maybe she is just paying me back who knows. Whatever makes her happy, I guess. Scorpio sorry that you are soo pissed about what happened with you and your ex. But please dont just start going off on me. I hope you got it all out though and you feal better. I will do whatever it takes to show her that I love her and that she is the only one I want to be with. People make mistakes I am just man enough to admit it.
  3. Ok...this is the first post I have done here. The past year has been really confusing but I will try to sum it up the best I can. Me and my girlfriend split up about a year ago. We were in a four year relationship and we have a very beautiful daughter together. I was the one that left and she thought it was for another girl that she knew. The real reason is because I got scared and was confused. I didnt even date that woman. After about 6 months I came back because I realized how much I loved her and wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. The only issue was she started talking to this guy. She ended up giving 4 years away for some guy she was just talking to. That was one of the most painful things I have ever went thru. Well, hey I hurt her so maybe it was good I learned this. We kept contact on and off and hurt each other pretty bad. Well, she broke up with her boyfriend just resently because he is an ass. Me and her have been talking awhile before they broke up. Here is my issue. I am having issues finding it hard to trust her. She tells me I am asking the same questions over and over and that I am whining to much. I just love her and want to make shure she wants to be with me. For gods sake she wont even kiss me or tell me she loves me. I know it might be too soon for all of that and that she needs time. I know I just need to trust her and if I love her I should take a chance. Thats all we get anyway. I just need some advice on what you all think and maybe some advice on what I should do. Even though I am asking the same questions I just thought if she cared she could answer a yes or a no to make me happy.
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