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Everything posted by Paddington

  1. There's no such thing as "too early" or "too late". It's a question of whether it's right for you and him at whatever time. And as for the physical feelings bit ... I've had relationships with and without intercourse, and the one that was most satisfying physically was one where we did everything except intercourse. She was waiting till she was married, but was as randy as me so we were very imaginative at finding wonderful things to do without doing everything. One female friend told me that although she'd had intercourse, the best orgasms she ever had were from rubbing her crotch up against her boyfriend's, with both of them still wearing their jeans! So while i/c is great, don't necessarily expect it to be like a million times better than the stuff you and your bf are doing now, especially if you're already having lots of fun!
  2. Can only speak for myself, but I always got erections, right from when I was tiny. But they didn't feel sexual. More of a nuisance than anything else! This is weird but ... I first orgasmed by starting and stopping the flow repeatedly when I was peeing ... after actually using my muscles to start and stop a few times, they seemed to take on a life of their own and clench and release completely out of control. I've never heard of anyone else orgasming like this, and it has never happened to me since! I must have been around 11, and discovered masturbation by chance shortly after when just exploring my penis like I'd explore any other bit of my body.
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