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  1. Thanx Mstyiyd. It's been tough for me as well, but like they say, only time will heal. Wish you luck in your NC endeavor. Getting that call from your ex (that you decide whether or not to answer) after NC makes it all worthwhile. But really, from what I've read, when you don't care anymore, whether they call or not, you'll know you're over them. Good luck.
  2. Volution, sorry to hear the heartbreak and pain you went through. But like you, I think I wear my heart on my sleeve. Just got to learn from your previous experiences to help you choose a better partner in the future. I'm sure you'll find someone better who will make you happy someday. I don't really think about being in a relationship right now either, but I think that's natural. Just got to take some time and heal and be 100% fresh for the next lucky girl that you will meet.
  3. My girlfriend just broke it off with me 5 weeks ago. I found out that she started seeing someone within 2 weeks after breaking up with me. (I broke NC after 3 weeks and talked to her). What does this all mean? We talked about kids, and marriage and plans for the future. How could she just dump me and start seeing someone else right away? She said she just met the person, but I feel like she probably knew him for awhile. We were together for 3 years. After the first year, she cheated on me by going to a couple's spa with some guy. She and him disrobed and she told me they kissed, but nothing else happened. (I still don't know what to believe) I was upset and mad, but I still loved her, and brushed it off as her being young and naive, and we slowly worked things out. It took me a long time to trust her again. We were on/off again a few times after that. But she showed me that she really loved me, and I believed her. Now, I just don't know what to think of her. I'm just floored at what has happened to me/us. It's not totally her fault, she wanted to get married, and so did I, but I didn't want to feel pressured into it. She would ask me constantly when we would get married. And given the circumstances, I wanted to take things slowly. I am in strict NC right now, but the whole thought of her dating someone so quickly makes me feel like I never knew her. Yet so many times with her, I can think back and believe that she really did love me. I'm confused and don't know what to think of her these days. Don't even know if I can be friends with her either. I still have many deep feelings for her, but they die a little everyday, which make me sad. I know this is probably a blessing in disguise, but it hurts nevertheless. What does it say about a woman who can dump you and then be in the arms of another man so quickly?
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