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Everything posted by deezy112

  1. Just recently my girlfriend of 5 years decided she no longer wanted to be with me. We started dating when we were 17 and 18, junior and senior in HS. We made it through college together and i just graduated while she has 1 year left. Currently im 22 and shes 21. The hardest part about us breaking up is she has a boyfriend already and we broke up about 1 month ago. She says she loves this new guy already which just crushes me. Its hard for me to understand how someone can so easily get out of a 5 year relationship and start anew one right after the breakup and already be in love. Not to mention 10 days after we broke up i find out she had sex with this guy already. We were each others first love and lost our virginity with each other. The reasons for us breaking up(or so she says) is that she needed time to get herself together becasue she was really confused at what she wanted in life. Our relationship was getting pretty intense according to her.She also staetd something to the fact that her parents are going through a divorce and shes really confused.I think that im too nice and believe what she tells me because i dated her for 5 years and trusted everything about her, but now i feel like some of these are just white lies She claims "you cant help who you meet" and that this is just life and these things happen. She tells me she talks about me to her new boyfriend all the time (dont know if i believe her) She tells me she misses me all the time and that shes confused with her feelings.(also dont know if i believe her) She also says that im more attractive then him but he shows her more public affection than what i did. But then she says im perfect in everyway i just lacked showing her public affection in our relationship. She is currently living with this new bf because her lease came up and she claims she doesnt have a place to stay at the moment becasue her parents are going through a divorce. I could really use any insight, thoughts or comments on my dilemma and any advice because im hurting deeply. I just dont understand and its so hard for me to just get over and let go of all of my feelings which i feel she had no problem doing. Thanks
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