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Everything posted by Phuong

  1. BunnyMan? My relationship is kinda like you. I live in Europe and my cousin live in Australia. I'm 22 years old and in my entire life I never had a bf, because I had no feelings for them, but when I went to Australia, I felt in love with my cousin. First we were just like "cousin", but he couldnt hold his feeling, so he told me that he love me. He was scared that I would reject him, but instead I gave him an answer (i gave him a kiss on his cheek)...hehe... Now we're been couple since february 2005. and we're still contacting each other through phones, emails and messengers. he's younger than me (18), but he didnt mind that I was older than him. When i was in Australia, my mother noticed that I always went with him. we went shopping together and did mostly everything together. But then my mother's boyfriend told her, that my cousin and I look like couples, and we should stop going together. It ofcourse made me sad, but I was against it. I told that as long as families know that we're cousins, then it doesnt matter what other people think!.... truly I didnt want to hide our relationship, but we had to. He's my second cousin, and we're vietnamese. so I'm not sure if thats legal in australia or vietnam or in the country i live. we planned our future together, that both of us will get a very good education and then live in vietnam together. we have to keep silence until we reach our goal. BUT STILL.... no privacy. I still live with my parent, and i have an older sister which like my cousin too (as a cousin). when he went online and wrote to me first, then she gets mad. she is older than me, so I guess i have to be very careful. just one little mistake, my family will hate me forever. to be honest, my parent arent that important to me, but my cousins family are important. I dont want his parent hate him, because he love his family alot. Now i'm in a middle of an education, so we contact once a month through mails. we want to chat through messengers, but he dont want to chat with my sister (she's ALWAYS online). If he made a new username, and I chat with him, then my sister will ask me about the person who i chat with. she know that i dont have much friends through online, and i dont chat much. Contacting each other makes me very happy... but as you can see, mine is a long distance relationship AND cousin relationship. I'm not good at school, and everytime I try to read a book, it makes me tired. I'm not good with presentations and my gramma arent good. as I can see my future, I cant reach my goal. I cant finish my education. I cant find a job in vietnam and I cant touch my cousin. I tried to tell one of my best friend (girl) about my relationship. She told me that I was nuts..... She told me that relationship with my cousin are not worthy... Then later I told her that all those was a lie and I dont have a relationship with my cousin. She said "ok".... and then I havent contacted her since that day. I have no one to talk to about my feeling... I'm so sad and confused... I dont have confidence.... I miss him...
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