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Posts posted by LovelyGuy

  1. Hi everyone, my girlfriend a bit 'tochy-feely' when she is 'close' to men talking to them. I have noticed this a few times and it usually is the arm that is closest to her. Recently her daughters boyfriend wouldn't come into the house (on a social gathering and after a few glasses of wine) and she was touching his back when trying to talk him into the house. This weekend was introduced to an old friend round his house and as she talked she touched his arm with her finger in a light stroking movement. Even at my best mates BBq she touched his arm. Is this an attention grabbing thing, a sign of being relaxed intheir presense or a form of flirting? Thing is she never does it to me! She is 46 and knows I think it a bit too personal and i find it embarrassing as she does it in my presense ...


    Is she just too friendly?



  2. playing mind games when a relationship is over is superfluous. I agree it is best to simply pick up your teeth and walk away with dignity. But if you are in a relationship that is not so simple or black-and-white then it may be necessary to play a few tricks. The levels or ups and downs a relationship sometimes goes through means it serves well to issue a wake up call to your partner.

  3. hi sis, not sure why she drinks so regularly. We have had a beautiful last few mths yet admitted recently how bad she has treated me .. i suspect she is trying to play me like a violin to soften me up when I shape up to leave her? she seems afraid to be alone and go through the dating game again, but then why not be nice to the one guy who would consider a life-long commitment .. it doesn't make sense.


    I am still young at 38, good job and still in decent shape so its time I went out and found someone more honest ...

  4. if she had any thought for your feelings she would blame herself but instead she is using you as the scapegoat and cheating herself in the process. It hurts a lot and you wonder what you did ... treat her too well or not well enough. No doubt you are seriously confused! If you are certain she has cheated then get rid of her, but do it smiling and without anger. It will hurt at first but the longer you remain with her you will hurt even more ... that is guaranteed. True that a leopard cannot change its' spots, well not for long anyway.

  5. hi sis, thanks for your advice, i have left her several times but one time she literally passed out in the kitchen. My g/friend is 46 and has spent the last 2 years pubbing/clubbing but can't seem to leave the flirting behind her now we've been together close to a year. Other similar cases speak of disrespect. She also drinks an equivalent of a bottle of wine a night whilst I am almost teetotal! maybe it is just simply a poor match.

  6. guys, there is definitely a lot to be said and done thanks to 'mind games'. There is no better way for a partner or ex to experience what you experience when you reverse the situation. The tit-for-tat tactic is all conquering over any other in the long run. It is nearly always the woman that chooses the man and when she is interested and you do not reciprocate immediately, that flame never dies .. how many times have you heard a woman say "i have noticed you watching me" ... very few i bet! but how many times have you heard "why do you never talk to me?" or "why don't you like me?"


    if anyone knows of a website of mind games in this context please advise as my g/f has a book called "The Rules" and I need some counter ammunition !


  7. hi suffering, right now I am that lealous guy you describe but without the aggression. My g/f has been out with a male friend and had another old friend in her house without telling me. This sparked off possessive and mistrusting behaviour from me. Have you done anything to cause him to feel insecure? Do you play games maybe without realising the effect it may have? i suspect your b/f will take a behavioural high moral stance in an attempt to show you how he thinks you should behave but he will get frustrated if he still feels insecure. He needs to realise his stifling you with mistrust will push you into the arms of that person he fears so much. The more he oppresses you, the more you will hide and that is then a downward spiral. Relating your situation to mine, if I was him .. I'd need regular reassurance by actions not words, flinging your arms around him if he does something nice for you and be as open as possible. Anything he has to work out himself will result in a pessimistic conclusion in his mind.

  8. friends introduced my girlfriend and i 7mths ago. She lives 65miles away and we knew little about each other. After three months behind my back my friend caught my girlfriend with a popular local man out for a drink at a lively pub. Despite her being reproached she stayed and the two shared a cab. My girlfriend lied through her teeth about the circumstances that led the two going out together until I walked out and she confessed to arranging it. Recently a friend of hers of 16years split from my girlfriends best friend and when I left to go back to my house, he visited as she felt

    guilty about his split. I found out they had some intimate moments but she denies it strongly. I have stooped to checking her emails, sometimes her cellphone bill and looking for more clues to the possibility that she is a cheat. I realise she will hide things she thinks i will be upset about so do I keep snooping or do I wind my neck in and cut her some slack?



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