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Everything posted by EdnaMarie35

  1. He is 32 and I am 27. He gradually started staying at my house since we have been dating and stays here every night but hasn’t officially “moved in”.
  2. You’re right, but I wonder if there’s hope? I haven’t asked him directly to stop, and if I do maybe he will? Can someone who watches porn 4-6 days out of the week just stop without professional help? I appreciate your input, in my head I know you’re right but the other side of me still has hope
  3. My honest opinion and gut feeling after reading this is it’s just a booty call for him right now. It’s possible sometime down the road he might want more of a relationship with you, but just not right now. He may do things and say things to make you feel like he cares about you in a serious way but it’s more than likely lust right now. Hope everything works out in your favor 🙏
  4. I have been dating my boyfriend for almost 2 years. The first year was great, the relationship, the sex, I loved everything about it. Then all of a sudden about 8 months ago I noticed him beginning to not initiate sex as often. Then when we were having sex it seemed like he didn’t want to touch me at all, wanted me to do all of the “work”, and would not look me in the eyes like he used to, he even would close his eyes. This made me feel discouraged and I became almost ashamed of myself, not wanting to try to initiate sex anymore with fear of being rejected or have some distant sex where he’s probably closing his eyes imagining someone else. Over the weekend I finally decided to look through his phone because I just had to know for sure if there was someone else. There wasn’t, that I know of. But what I did find was porn. Which at first I chuckled at almost as if it was cute. Then I kept scrolling the history, and every single day for the past few weeks that the phone kept history on he watched porn. Sometimes even twice a day, morning and evening. So we had a very long discussion and I voiced how him watching porn like that made me feel and I addressed our sex issue and said that I think the porn has something to do with it. He brushed it off and said the classic “every guy watches porn”. He then confessed to me that he thought I was unhappy with him and that I never initiated sex anymore so he thought I wasn’t attracted to him anymore. Now that we both were able to be open with how we felt we decided moving forward to have more sex since we both want it. That was on a Sunday. That night we had sex, Monday night we had sex, it’s Tuesday night and I just gave him a blowjob. I checked his phone history after he fell asleep only to find he watched porn on Monday and watched porn this morning before going to work. It’s clear to me that he has a porn addiction. This is such an awkward topic and I know confronting him will not go well no matter how I do it or what I say. I need some honest ***ing opinions and advice because i feel so gross right now. I want to chop my head off of my body and just be a floating head. Sorry, but help please?
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