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Posts posted by Bluemoon456

  1. I think I'm gonna go against everyone on here. Your wife is selfish. She wants to see her parents 3 weeks a year, but is bothered by seeing yours 4 weekends a year. That's unfair to you and your children. Why should they only spend time with their maternal grandparents? Also, she doesn't want to go but she doesn't want to you to go without her. Honestly, if you guys can agree on this...what does the rest of your life look like with her? 

    Don't let people on here tell you that your wife is right and she is first and blah blah blah. Because she is not trying to compromise. If you can make sacrifices, why can't she? 

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  2. 5 hours ago, Kansasbbq10 said:

     He’d sleep 12 hours straight when I was over, with night sweats. If I had a bad day at work he would brush me off, not really listen or even say a single empathic thing like “sorry about your day,” but I never once criticized bc I figured I can’t expect anything from someone who’s sick. He’d also routinely disappear for a few days, not even texting me once; again I would never act bothered. 

    This is what he means when he says you need more than he can give. The fact that he didn't ask you about your bad day or made some empty remark about it made you feel something. Do you know what chemo does to the body? Have you ever taken care of or been with someone 24/7 who is going through cancer treatment? The toll it takes on their bodies and minds is unbelievable...the level of strength it requires is crazy (physical, mental, and emotional).... all to save their lives.

    It's not him. It is you. You are not what/who he needs right now. Try being more understanding for the next person you date. 

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  3. It's understandable for you to feel this way. You have been through a lot since you were young. I think one thing that has helped me and others is not seeing everything as the picture but instead focusing on winning small battles at a time. It is okay to cry and feel devastated. None of what has happened is your fault. Unfortunately, the people that were supposed to love and protect you didn't do their jobs. 

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  4. 6 minutes ago, tattoobunnie said:

    Wait...how does she not know about in after THREE YEARS?  Doesn't their daughter ever talk about you, which may mean, the kid doesn't know about you?  So, how do you know if either of them are real?

    His divorce is not final yet and he is afraid that if she finds out, then she won't let him see his child anymore. I agreed to it because i figured if she knew that he was in a relationship, she would've made things more complicated. BTW, I met him when he had been separated and by himself for 2 years. (He was living on his own)

  5. 4 hours ago, boltnrun said:

    Why are you miserable without him? How were you before you met him? What else in your life makes you feel happy and fulfilled? What do you do when you're not with him?

    When I say without him, i mean when we "break up". The times that we have tried to break up or take a break, I feel awful... I don't eat or sleep. I have anxiety all the time. During these times, the thought of him with another woman keeps me up at night. Before I met him, I feel like my life was more peaceful. I wasn't as stressed or anxious.  

    I can do my own thing and focus on things that i like because i know we are together... but as soon as we fight, it feels like i can't even get out of bed 😞

  6. Btw, i am 30, he is 40.

    So... At the beginning, things were different. He tried to make things work and split costs but I was (and am) making more money than him, so because I am an idiot I thought it was okay to always pay because I loved him and I wanted to do things with him. Once he realized i felt that way, he never tried to pay for anything. He would just expect it from me. I told myself it was okay because he wasn't making as much....until holidays and birthdays came around. Thats when I saw how he was quick to "make sacrifices", go broke and over spend (hundreds of dollars) to get everything off of birthday/christmas lists. Now he is making more, so he is spending more, just not on me. 

    He started acting funny about communication even though I've made it clear from the beginning that as his current partner, I deserve to know.

    I often feel like he will never be over her. How do you choose to spend your life with somebody, to give them your all, to commit to them forever and when things go south, all those feelings go away? Maybe divorced folks can enlighten me. 

    It's hard. I know loving someone is not a good enough reason to stay....but I feel extremely dependent on his presence in my life. I am miserable without him. I miss talking with him, being with him, holding him.... but i am starting to feel miserable with him. 

    I know he will never change because if he wanted to, he would. 

    I just don't know how to let go 😞

  7. My boyfriend I have been together for 3 years. He was married before and has a 7 year old child with his ex-wife. Although he is no longer married, it still feels like his ex wife has so much control over him. He does whatever she wants. When I ask him to communicate with me about the things he talks to her about, he says it doesn't concern me. He claims its co-parenting but it doesn't seem like that is all that is. For holidays and birthdays, he spends all of his money on his child (literally 30+ presents from her list). (the ex wife adds things to the list as she goes) In the past, he has given me a magazine for my birthday and a book for xmas. He often makes me feel like I am at the bottom of his priorities list. He doesn't contribute financially to our relationship. I pay for EVERYTHING. (We don't live together, I pay for our outings/dates). I've paid for our vacations and he doesn't even offer to pay for my food..but when it comes to birthdays and holidays, he goes broke buying his child things. He has told me that in the past while they were dating, his ex-wife quit her job, he paid for every single thing (vacations, expenses, and everything her heart desired) He used to spend thousands on her for her birthday and holidays. I don't get the same treatment. I feel unhappy in this relationship. He claims he wants to marry me but I don't see how we can have a good marriage when he is not financially responsible, he overspends, doesn't communicate with me, he allows his ex-wife to feel entitled to him (she doesn't know about me) and makes me pay if I want to do something with him. I feel like he is with me because of the financial support i provide, because it is easy to be with me. I never wanted to be a second wife or stepmom, but i reconsidered because I love him...but now I don't know anymore. I feel like a consolation prize. I feel unappreciated. I feel like if i stay with him, my life will be miserable. I just don't know how to move on..how to leave him with out feeling devastated. I don't know how to be without him. 

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