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Posts posted by Lisa216

  1. HI THERE!!!


    It doesn't matter wheather you're going to be with a girl or a guy, the first time together is always a little akward.


    I was VERY nervous the first time me and my boyfriend had sex because it had been so long. I think that once you are with her and spend a little time together first, you won't be so nervous.


    I'm sure the waiting must be hell though. I hope you don't mind me asking but, do you parents know you like girls? I hope they are okay with it. I know some parents are soooo not understanding about same sex relationships. I always promised myself that if I ever have a child that likes the same sex they are, I would be 100% supportive!

  2. Hmmmmm.........that is a problem. I would make sure she feels the same about you before telling her brother or the rest of the family.


    Maybe you can tell her something like a girl who's around her age asked you out but you really weren't interested so you said no. Then you can ask her if she thinks anything is wrong with that. Then ask her who's the oldest person she's dated. She might see right through you but if she happens to tell someone you can always deny it had anything to do with her.


    However, this is risky if she does feel the same way. Some people don't take this kinda thing lightly. BE CAREFUL!!!


    Hope this helps a bit!



    Okay, you probably won't like this post. I know what you're going through. I think all girls (at some point in their life) like the guy that's hard to get. But I think you deserve more attention from someone than you're getting. He may like you but it doesn't sound like he's really serious about you.

    (some guys are just like that)


    I would try to get over him. Or at least ignore him and see how he likes not being taken seriously. If you notice he doesn't care then, start to look elsewhere.


    GOOD LUCK!!!



    Thanks for all the input guys! Me and my boyfriend talked it out. I think it will be okay now.


    I really don't mind if we were to watch a porno together. We've done that before. It's just the constant staring at all these naked girls. I mean, if he were to do it a few times a week when I wasn't home or something, I wouldn't have said anything. But when it gets to the point where he is looking at naked girls while I'm in the shower and planning to have sex when I get out, it just hurts my feelings a little bit. He said he wouldn't do it anymore when I'm at home so I guess it's resolved.


    I think Gilgamesh is really sensitive to this subject. I guess his girlfriend is getting sick of him looking at porn too. (hehe) Although, I appreciate the input, Gilg.

  5. WOW - great post. I like how you express yourself. You remind me very much of myself in high school. I was very lonely and isolated and all my relationships with people seemed to be superficial.


    Maybe the next time you're in class, the lunch room, etc., take a look around at some new faces and meet some new people. It sounds like the friends you have now aren't very good when it comes needing a shoulder to lean on. I know, some friends are like that. Some of them are just fun to hang out with but others times you need something more. I think its important to keep reaching out to people so don't give up even though it may seem hopeless sometimes.


    I understand about the depression thing. I've been taking anti-depressants since I was 12. It's hard, even when you are on medication. I know the loneliness makes it even worse. My parents are workaholics so I know what its like to be alone a lot.


    I was alone for many years without a boyfriend but I finally found someone special. You will too. Keep your eyes open. I bet there are girls (and guys) all over your school that feel the same way you do. You just have to find them.


    Until then, feel free to talk to me. You sound like a very nice and mature guy. Feel free to email me anytime you feel lonely.


    email removed


    p.s. - I hope this helped a little bit.

  6. Hello there!


    Sweetie, it sounds like you may have a yeast infection. Its no big deal. Most women get it from time to time.


    Just go to the store and get some Monistat 7 or something like that.


    Or just search the internet for the best creme for a yeast infection.


    Hope this helps!

  7. Hi there. First I'd like to say that it is very hard to forgive someone after they have cheated. Although, I'm glad you seeked help for your problem.


    As a women, I know I would have to feel real confident about a mate being faithful before I could take him back.


    The ball is in your court too. Make sure you tell her exactly how you feel or she is still going to be insecure about getting back with you. She must be a real special and forgiving women to even keep talking with you. I know a lot of women who would not.


    But good luck to you. I hope you can work things out.


    One more question: Did you find out the root of the problem? Like, the reason why you feel the need to cheat?

  8. I know it is hard because you don't want to seem too forward and scare someone off. Then again, you don't want to waste your time on someone that doesn't feel what you do.


    Just take a deep breath and get it out in the open. Ask her exactly how she feels and get it over with.


    Who knows? Maybe she is just waiting for you to make the next move.



    Hi there.


    Well, that would really hurt my feelings if my boyfriend said that to me. I am overweight and I know I would have probablly reacted a lot worse than you did.


    When you are talking about a life commitment, both persons involved are going to go through changes on how they look. Looks shouldn't have anything to do with a life commitment.


    Maybe he was just joking around but I think you should make it clear that you are sensitive to your weight right now and it hurts when he says things like that.


    It could even be that he is insecure about his own looks and tries to pick on you to feel better about himself.

    I'm not sure.


    Although, I don't think anyone can advise you on wheather or not to stay in a marriage. That is a very important decision that only you can decide. However, if it has come to point that you feel no more joy and only pain in a relationship. I think that is the time to get out of it.

  10. I know how hard it is when a boyfriend wants some time apart.

    I've been through it with previous ones.


    In my experience, it can either mean two things:


    1) he is insecure about how you feel about him and doesn't want to put his heart on the line.


    2) he could feel like you two aren't working as well anymore.


    I think the only thing you can do is talk to him more about it. I know it is akward but I think thats the only way to know where you two stand.



    Hello, I am a newbie here. I'm sure this has been discussed before but here it goes:


    At first, it really bothered me that my boyfriend was looking at porn on the internet all the time. But then I realized that all guys do that and they need to "take care" of themselves sometimes. So, I compromised and told him I didn't mind if he did it when I wasn't around. I suppose I should have been more specific. About 30 minutes ago, we were both getting in the mood but I wanted to take a shower first. When I got out of the shower, there he is looking at the naked chicks again. I told him that it hurt my feelings that he was looking at other naked girls right before we were going to have sex. He didn't understand why it bothered me. Now he's in the shower and we're not exactly speaking. Any helpful advice?

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