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Everything posted by NoName1607307263

  1. I've had some of my guy friends say they like me and i've actully had this happen to me once! its best just to accept that the friend likes you act normally around him but but if he thinks somethings happening between you 2 you have to tell him your just friends because if you start acting weird around him an avoiding him it will hurt soo just act normal thats my best advice! and mabye you'll even start to liek him a bit xoxNoName*
  2. You could say i'm shy i'm dating this guy well we've kissed quite alot of times and i've kissed alot of guys but we havent made out he wants to and i do to but i'm scared! i mean i'm never frenched kissed a guy and i'm mess up...or just be plain bad! some of my friends say "go for it! hes never done it either you have nothing to lose!" and some say "well mabye you should wait get more confident" but they shouldnt be talking! most of my friends havent done it either (i'm not a loser i swear to god if i was i woulda said) i dont know what to do! should i kiss him or should i wait?! and what if i do mess up then what xoxNoName*
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