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  1. Hi everyone. I am new to this so bear with me please. I need some advice and maybe a guy's point of view. My boyfriend and I have been together for approx. 4 months. The problem is that he is gone all the time for work (sometimes for months at a time). He is 21 and I am 25. I have seen him maybe a few weeks only since we started going out. He does call me everyday when he is gone which is great. I really, really care about him and we get along great except I am paranoid about what happens when he's away. I have been cheated on before so I am nervous that it will happen again. I don't know if he would cheat or not, but I know that his friend who he travels with is one of those guys that constantly cheats on his girlfriend when he's away (and the reason I know this is because he brags about it, and he says what she doesn't know won't hurt her...and that she is his 'at home' girlfriend). I am just worried that his friend will try to get him to be the same way or pressure him into cheating when he's gone. Or maybe he is already doing this, and I don't know either like his friend's girlfriend. His friend likes to bring home lots of different girls from the bar, and he is a huge fan of strip clubs too. I am just worried that one night he'll have a weak moment, or he'll be drunk, or trying to impress his buddy and something will happen. He is a very good looking guy and there are lots of girls that find him really attractive, and it doesn't help that he is a social butterfly and likes to talk to people. He did say to me once that just because his friend does it, doesn't mean he will...but I don't know if that is supposed to make me feel better. Maybe his buddy tells his unsuspecting girlfriend the same thing. I know that I shouldn't think like this, and I am likely overthinking this problem, but I am just paranoid that he is going to hurt me like the last guy. Why do guys cheat anyway? I would just like some advice to put my mind at ease. If he really truly cares about me I don't think he would do it, would he? Guys, tell me what you think...
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