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Everything posted by staciemacie03100

  1. ok so i met this guy a couple of months ago through his sister. I didn't really know him that well until this past weekend. I had an awesome time with him. Now we didn't trade phone numbers or anything, but I have his home phone number because of his sister. I don't know whether or not I should call him. Also he is 19 and I am only 17. Is that too big of an age difference?
  2. hey everyone! so I met this guy and I really don't know what to do about the whole situiation so I could really use your help. So I joined this new softball team a while back and one of the girls on the team whom I am really close with has an older brother. Now her older brother and her are extremely close because he is only a year older than her. So the brother came to most of our games this summer. I didn't know him that well until this past weekend. It was our last tournament of the summer so thereforeeee he came to support his sister and the team. My birthday was also that saturday. So he did everything he could to make sure that i was having an amazing birthday. We spent alot of time together on saturday and it was awesome. He's just one of those genuinely nice guys that cares more about you than he does himself. He's just so much fun to be around. So then on sunday we had more games and he flirted with me for most of the day, or what i thought was flirting. He joked around with me all day and at one point he came behind me and started massaging my back. He also had his arm around me alot of the time. He told his mom who later told my dad that he would gladly go to prom with me next year if i needed a date. After our last game he gave me a hug and asked me if I was going to this party they were having for his sister. When I told him that I couldn't go he almost seemed disappointed because we probably won't see each other again until next summer. And then when I was driving out of the parking lot I drove by him and he gave me one of those smiles that just kind of undescribeable. Like I don't even know how to explain it. From his actions and words I assumed that he had a little thing for me or something, but I don't know. I really had an amazing time with him and I wouldn't have wanted to spend my birthday with anyone else. The fact that I may not see him until next June is really scaring me. I don't know what to do.
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