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Everything posted by smileysarah

  1. ok me and my boyfriend have been together for about 3 years. We have had some trust issues in the past. Ok everyone will prob think this is stupid, but to me it bugs me soo bad. ok well some of my friends did something to one of our x friends car. nothing bad, but something, and well my boyfriend went around and told ppl when he knew he was not supposed to. one of my best friends teachers who totally trusts her, found out because of my boyfriend. my best friend did not want tha teacher to know b/c they are relaly close. Well right after my bf told the teacher, he came and told me that he did. and that the teacher so so shocked that my firend woudl do that, well after my friend found out that thta my bf told she asked him about it and he lied to three of my friends and me. he even swore that he did not, he lied sooo much. and i mean we have had some trust things in the past, and i mean he made his lie sound relaly good, and how do i knwo he hasnt doen that me many times before>?i really do love him and i THOUGHT he was such a good person and wasnt a liar waht should i do/ pleaSe reply and i hope i didt confuse u...
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