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Everything posted by broom

  1. i skimmed the original "ode to nice guys" article before. my comments are the guys described in this article aren't even genuinely nice! they're just pushovers, suckups, wusses trying to get into a woman's pants. the reason their doing all these things is in hopes of gettin the woman to notice them right? not because this is who they genuinely are right? in that case, can we even say they are "nice" guys in the first place? how about guys who pretend to be "nice" to get in with a woman? also, the point is, these guys blame their relationship problems on women. they say, it is the woman's fault because she takes me for granted because im too nice. why dont they blame themselves? they should blame it on their own inability to interest and attract women. the actions stated above shows that the guy has no respect for himself, no boundaries, kisses butt like crazy and especially has no respect for women in having that sort of attitude/behavior/blame. who wants a guy like that?? can you blame women for seeing through that type of act?? also, being "nice" doesn't make up for everything. say a woman is nice. but she is also fat, short, and ugly. would a guy want her just because she is nice? being "nice" wont make up for your shortcomings. the "nice" guy debate is truly delusional. it is just an excuse to place blame somewhere else instead of selfexamination.
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