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  1. All points well taken. Thanks!
  2. My girlfriend who I live with is in the Military. I understand that her job sometimes requires travel. Normally, I wouldn't have a problem with occasional business travel…even one week every thee months would be ok. Especially if it is something she is required to do for work. However, she just returned from a week long trip last week…she went on another week long trip a few months ago. She is going to have to go on another trip at the end of August. All of these I don't really have a problem with other than I will just miss her. There is another trip, where she would be going out of the country for over two weeks. I won't be able to communicate with her at all and it is going to a place that isn't so nice. This is a trip she volunteered for. I really don't want her to go. She knows that I don't want her to go and says she feels bad about it, but she claims it is a "once in a lifetime opportunity" Am I being selfish? Am I wrong to ask her not to go? I think she is traveling a lot. If I wanted to spend lots of time alone, I would still be single. She is a great person and I love her very much and I think we have a great relationship. We can talk about most anything and resolve it….except this. I also am taking her on vacation this summer also so we can spend some quality time together, just the 2 of us. I started saving the money for this before I knew about her going on all of these trips. I don't have a lot of money and I could use the cash for some "once in a lifetime" stuff of my own that could help my career too. I just feels a little one-sided…I just feel like I am always being left "in the rear with the gear". If I ask her not to go, she will cancel the trip but I can't help but think that she will resent me for it. Help!
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