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Posts posted by Demonblade

  1. I can't draw at all. I don't think I can draw a cartoon. I'm more of a writer. I want to write her something, but I can't figure out how to get anything into words. This is the first time I've ever dealt with not knowing what to write (and I know it's not writer's block because I just wrote a random poem yesterday). Why can't I write anything?


    Kind of third grade but, maybe I should make a heart valentine?

  2. Well, the thing is. We met at school. I was depressed one day and I got up from where I was sitting (because the people sitting next to me were real annoying) and sat at another table, not knowing that there were a bunch of other people sitting there. I looked up and that's when we first saw each other. We didn't talk until the next semester, but that was small talk. Then summer vacation came up, I got happy and when school started back up I asked her out and she said yes.


    But I can't think of anything to make or write. I know what I want to say, but I can't get any of it into words. I'm getting headaches from thinking about how to get them into words and I've been thinking for the past 3 weeks.

  3. I'm not a jealous person. But, like you, I feel a a little jealous every once in a while. I like my best friend (and she likes me), but sometimes I see her around this one guy friend of hers and I feel a little jealous sometimes. Despite the fact that he is gay. I think it's because they're so close, but I laugh it off shortly after I feel jealous.

  4. I like my friend and I she likes me, but she says she doesn't want to be in a relationship until after graduation (which is this June). She said that we could be together then if I were still interested. It's almost Valentine's Day and I don't know what to get her. I don't want it to seem too much like what a BF would give to his GF. I want to give her something that shows how much I care for her.


    I don't want to buy her something. I already bought her a gift from the heart for Christmas (I bought her a necklace). I want to give her something made from my heart. I used to write love poetry. Should I try to write her a love poem? Or should I write her a letter letting her know how much she has affected my life, how much I appreciate her and how I feel about her. But I don't know how. I don't know what to do. I know what I want to say, but I am afraid it might be too much too soon. How can I avoid doing this? What else can I do? I don't know. I'm racking my brain for something I can do or write that won't freak her out or make her feel awkward or something. Any help? Please? ](*,)

  5. I'm real nervous about the gift I gave my friend for Christmas and would like to know if what you think about this. I got her a necklace, which is a fancy light blue ribbon with a small hand-carved saphire blue glass stone hanging from it (her favorite color is blue).


    Our history (as summed up as I can get it): A few months ago (in September) I told her that I liked her as more than a friend. She told me she feels the same way but she wasn't ready for a relationship and hopes that I'll still be interested when she is ready. The next week we went on a date and the week after that I had to go out of state for a while. We wrote to eachother and talked on the phone a lot while I was away. And while I was gone I got her the necklace. I got back in the end of September. I wrapped the necklace and gave it to her a couple weeks ago and told her not to open it until Christmas.


    What do you think of this? I would really appreciate getting people's thoughts on this.

  6. I had a dream last night that I don't really understand what the meaning is. Can someone give me some help on this?


    I was dreaming that I was sleeping in my bed and I could only move my head. I fell asleep, woke up and saw my friend standing in my bedroom doorway looking at me. I fall asleep again and wake up, she is sitting in the chair next to my bed and still looking at me. I fall asleep and wake up again and she is asleep in bed next to me and we're snuggled up under the covers. [Then I wake up]


    A few months ago I told her that I like her as more than a friend and she told me that she feels the same, but isn't ready to be in a relationship yet and hopes that I'll still be interested when she is. We went on a date a week later and we went on another date a couple weeks ago. We seem to be more than friends now, but she says we aren't. And we talk a lot about what it would be like if we were together and always flirting with eachother. That is how things are between me and her right now.

  7. I like this girl in my class and on Friday I asked her on a date and she said that she wouldn't be able to go anywhere this weekend. I asked her for her number and she gave it to me. I told her that I would call this weekend. 2 problems though.


    I don't know when I should call her. I heard that you should wait a few days after getting a girl's number to call her. I don't want to seem like I'm not interested.


    The big problem is, though, that I am extremely shy over the phone. I don't know why, but being on the phone makes me nervous. Shy on the phone, but not in person. Any help with this please?

  8. She may not be viewing your second date as an actual "date". If she has said that she does not want a relationship I would listen to her words instead of getting my hopes up over confusing and mixed signals.


    Right now she just may want a friend.


    I wouldn't wait around for her. Live your life and continue your friendship. It might go somewhere, it might not and there is no sense in holding out for something so uncertain.


    I am continuing our friendship. I think it will go somewhere because after our first date she kissed me and told me that I was the only person she would have gone out with.


    Well, one of her friends asked her if we were dating and she said that we are dating exclusively. What does this mean?


    Would it be bad if I tried to find out from her if she is interested, just not ready?

  9. I'll just try to keep it short. Me and this girl have been friends for a few years now and we are very close. For the past few months I've had a crush on her. Me and her were hanging out (just us) and I admitted my feelings towards her. I asked her on a date the next day. She said yes. She told me on the date that she wasn't doesn't want to be in a relationship until after graduation. I asked if she would be interested in being in a relationship with me after graduation and she said "If you're still interested, yes". But we're going on a second date next Tuesday.


    My two questions (these may be a bit stupid to ask, but I just want to be sure)


    1) Is she interested?




    2) Does this mean we're friends with benefits?

  10. Okay, I still think you should ask her out. I don't know exactly what type of girl she is so I can't say wether or not she would like to hear that you like her right away. If you think she would like to hear that then tell her. If you think she might like you but be a bit weirded out by the L-word, then tell her you like her alot. It all depends on what you think she would like to hear. Trust your feelings. I hope it works out!


    She gets kinda weirded by just about any emotion except sadness and happiness. That's it.



    If you're sure she knows and likes you back, just ask her out on a date. I wouldn't go so far as to tell her you love her as it will be very embarrassing if she says she doesnt love you back. I think you should get a couple of dates under your belt BEFORE you declare your love to her.

    And for the record, don't confide in 'Frank' anymore, whatever you chose to tell her, it should come from you, not Frank.


    I don't know if she likes me back. I'm going to ask her out this week. Really, I never confided in Frank. He found that I act differently around Bridget and kept trying to tell her. Eventually he told her anyway, despite me telling him I would rather tell her myself.

  11. Just say, "Franks messing about. I'm not IN LOVE with anyone, but I do fancy someone and would like a date with them", then when she asks who is it, say "It's you, would you go out with me?".


    She is probably hoping that it's her by the interest she shows in you, anyway. Go for it and good luck!


    Well, I would rather tell her that I do love her. But I don't know about that. And, just so you know, I do actually know that she knows I like her.

  12. Well, a little update on my last post, ]


    I think I may be in a little trouble here. Frank told Bridget that I am in love with someone. I know she will try to get me to tell her who it is that I love and like I said before in this post I love HER. But I don't know what to say. Because, from what I've heard from her friends, she's known that I like her since the beginning of last year. I don't know what to say. Can someone help me on what to say when/if she asks?

  13. Lol, no it's not stupid. Yah that would be fine. It doesn't have to be in a secret room filled iwth candels, just somewhere where you have semi-privacy. Enought to talk to her without getting interrupted. You want to be able to make your point and have it go smoothly


    haha, yeah. But the candles would be a nice touch.


    Technically, there would really be no semi-private place. After first period the students have a 10 minute break. And we're not allowd outside. So what would be considered semi-private in this situation? And should I tell her that I love her, or that I have a crush on her (which wou be a half truth)?



    All I have to know are those two things.

  14. Don't tell her over an email. Things are too easily misinterpurted when you do that. Don't do it over the phone either beacsue, once again, she can't see you body language and tell that you are entirley serious. If she's expecting an emial tonight you can tell her that you are going to tell her tomorrow becasue the secret is one which you would rather tell her in person. Then, tomorrow when you see her, pull her aside (make sure no one else is around) and tell her that it was really important that you tell her this in person becasue she means a lot to you. Then tell her that recentley you have developed feelings towards her that are much more then friendship. Tell her that you really like her and that you want to become more then friends.


    Okay. But how do I pull her aside? I walk her to her first period class every day, so should I tell her that I would rather tell her in person and ask her if she can wait outside her class after first period so I can tell her alone. Would that be the same? A simple yes or no is all I'm asking for.


    I apologize if I'm asking a stupid question.

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