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  1. My mum's always making comments and saying she can see my ribs. it is overly exaggerated though. id had an argument and felt sick from nerves so i couldn't eat but after that id messed up my eating pattern i think
  2. i eat crap really, a lot of snacking. i don't eat any breakfast in a morning only have a small lunch then eat crap when im at home. i don't understand how i can not be putting on weight if i eat fatty foods like chocolate and crisps. i don't really exercise at all but some how have firm stomach muscles that others would have to work hard for.
  3. Im 17 and i weigh 7 and a half stone, i've never had serious eating problems but if i don't eat for a day i start to feel sick and then can't eat. after this, it takes very little to fill me up. i don't eat healthily but i do eat and still don't put weight on. as a result i have lost weight above my hips. this has caused me to be lobsided, curvy on one side but straight on the other down to my hip. does anyone else have this problem and should i be worried? Am i underweight for my age? thanks
  4. i know everything about them and other contraceptives, i was just wondering how it feels from the guys point of view
  5. Guys, what are your feelings on wearing condoms?? Do you wish you didnt have to? Wana get some perspective thats. Would be grateful for any replies
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