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Everything posted by Heaven1982

  1. Hello! I am a 22 yr old mother of two children ages 4 and 2. I just recently got married to there father we have been together since I was 16. I haven't ever had a steady job because I was pregnant every other year. My husband was getting tired of supporting all of us so he said get a job. So I did. I have been working there for about 2 months. Since then I have made friends with almost everyone I work with. Great so I thought.. I work with an even amount of guys and girls but I get along better with the guys. I wrote to one of the guys at my job online and my husband flipped out. He said that I don't need male friends. He cheated on me about 4 years ago. He was my first BF and I haven't been with anyone else. I don't have thoughts of cheating,I just like to be liked everywhere I go. I was liked in highschool to. Noone has made passes at me or anything. The guys I work with are soo gross. How can I make him trust me and keep my job? I love him but I love my not having to depend on everyone else for money thing too. He says I'm to pretty to be working..Why is he so jealous? He should be proud then.. right. I'm never alone with guys or girls at work either. I have my own work area away from the attendence(I operate rides at Six Flags) SO I don't really have to see anyone I work with exceot the guests. Help I don't want to get a divorce over a job.
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