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  1. Circumstances? As in why? Well, she told me that everything in my life stressed her out: my friends, my place, my academics(fair), umm even my family. She was graduating univeristy this year - and didn't need to be stressed. She started hanging out with a guy and -his 2yrold son-(a friend/semi-ex) more than she was with me. She wanted me to hang out with them as well? (maybe ploy to get me use to something?) All in all, there was NO REAL reason, cept stress. She still loved me, and was super jealous if I went on a date, always wanted to know who I was talking to any new girls... And STILL asks if I 'hooked' up with anyone or have a new girlfriend - (that confuses me, why does she ask that?) She literally strung me along, to me it seemed she was immature and didn't know what she wanted. She says knows what she wants - but I am one guy that could love her above all - it was strange. Yet, Im hung up on her? She just messaged me saying: - I gues we are not talkign? - Just wanted to say Hi - Im not stooping to your level to become enemies - Sorry I never told her I stopped talking, but I figure she would get the point. Last week she would call me up crying, then mad, and asking if I could call her sometime and hang out? Well, I assume she calls when she's ALONE - and doesn't have this guy and his child around. She needs attention?
  2. As of late I've been feeling down, and I oddly keep thinking of "her". I dated this chick for 4 months, it was rocky, but oddly - I fell for her hard before she dumped me. So the breakup was hard on me, mentally and emotionally - so, healing was a little hard. She wanted to remain frineds, we had become 'best friends' throughout the relationship - and we both were in so deep. In the beginning of the breakup, I found it hard to just be friends - I still wanted her etc. I of course started dating, as not thinking I should take a break. Time went on - lots of more issues - and I agreed to be her friend. For the past 2 months, after visiting with my family - I came to the conclussion that I cannot even talk to this girl, let alone being friends. So I started to shut off all contact with her - none - but she would still call me, email, and message. I never returned any of those, but I talked with her if she made the effort. I still love this woman, but everytime we are together it just brings me down, we talk it brings me down because it gets me thinking of the old times. I just started to become tough, and being able to brush her off - being strong. Now, the thoughts are in my head, and all the good times we had together - I just want her back. The only thing that makes this girl different from the rest - was my inital thoughts in my head even before I spoke a word to her. The damn voice in my head, just said unconsciously 'I'm going to marry this girl' - ever since then, I was hooked. In order to get back together - what should I do? Right now, I dont and won't talk to her - still healing? Do I give it more time, and let her come to me? We're oh so stubborn people. Advice?
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