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Everything posted by chrissy162006

  1. Well I was dating this guy over the summer in August! His name is Bradly well we broke up because I did not know him that well I had only known him for a few days and I was afraid of getting hurt... So we broke up then we got back together someatime after and were together for like 4 days then we broke up because he liked a girl in my school named Jessica who he asked out and she turned him down well I was still todally into him and yeah well I was at there hang out Friday and we like all over each other like we were dating but we weren't then I was wondering if he wanted to hang out at his house or something 2 days later and he told me no because he had a girl friend and she was gonna be at the bowling alley with him... I do not know what to think he would not tell me who it was so I dont know... Then there is my other ex who I really like but don't know well enough to get into a serious relationship with him.... And he wants a serious relationship! and then both his brothers like me alot and want to sleep with me and stuff and I do not know what to do The only real realationship with him is because I love my Ex alot I really thought we would be together forever... But ummm now i aqm not sure if we are because he does not see anything working because I am 8 years younger and he thinks I am gonna decide I am better than him when I know I am not and love him to death! Well I love you all PLEASE HELP!!!! before I loose it!!!!
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