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Posts posted by Raphael256

  1. Before workouts its good to get some form of complex carbohydrates whether it be a brown rice or a maltodextrin powder. Post workouts some form of protein and simple carbohydrates should be taken in, a protein powder mixed in milk would be fine.


    Protein powder is a useful tool for an athelete. However, if you have one protein shake a day and expect to see results from it, you won't. Get AT LEAST one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. Doing this overtime will help you add more muscle than you would have achieved without the use of protein. Don't expect to gain 20lbs of pure muscle in a month on protein. Some people think protein is like a safe steroid. It's not a steroid at all. It can be used to assist you in gaining mass. So don't go out and buy a tub of protein thinking it will make you huge.

  2. I kinda did the begging / pleading thing, telling her i love her etc...Pathetic


    I only told my 2 closest friends (one being online friend, the other pretty much just online friend too since she moved to another country) that she has cheated on me and all the bad things she has done. To everyone else i just said love died over time and we didn't get along well anymore. because i still love her and don't want people to think bad of her and then she feel uncomfortable around people.


    I did check her mails once didn't really stalk her beside that.


    But, the guy that she cheated on me with, and that is with her now, I got his email adress, and somehow found a forum where he sometime posts from that. That forum being an hold version of phpbb forum (ie : full of security holes) i somewhat hacked to get admin access and see the IP adress with which he posted. Ok so then with his IP adress i wanted to hack through his computer. Eventually read his msn log with my ex, cause i'm pretty sure they have been chatting on msn when she was still with me and wanted to know from when she started cheating on me, then format his HD... But i didn't, even tho my friend says i should cause he is a *Insert whatever bad word her*

  3. Yes msn is the only way to contact her. I met her in an online game a bit more than 3 years ago, i don't know her full name, phone number or adress.

    I doubt she went for a walk or so at 4am, and i replied right away to her message so she saw my replies. Why would she want to ignore it to make me worry ?

  4. I've been talking on msn pretty much all days with a friend that is depressed lately due to some issues in her relationship. today she sounded really down and i tried to make her feel better.

    Suddently coming from no where she said this...


    I can't take it any longer.

    life's not worth any more with this anguish

    things will never be the same



    So i said : I know its hard, i know this better than anyone. But, even if its hard atm, life is worth it. Sooner or later, you will be happy again and able to smile /hugs


    Then she didn't say anything anymore. Asked her to say something, told her she is worrying me etc. But nothing, not a word from her anymore since more than 30 mins now..

    I'm really worried she might have done something to herself now and don't know what to do. I don't even have her phone number or anything.

    Im worrying so much for her now and i feel helpless

  5. That's what happened with my ex, after we had been together 3 years also and she ended up dumping me for the guy she had a crush on and breaking my heart despite saying she was so much in love with me etc not long before.


    If you really love your bf, you shouldn't risk your relationship for a crush imo. If it was me id take some distance with the girl i have a crush on, but that's just me.

  6. Depends of the situation i guess. My ex had a friend guy that told her she is like her sis to him. I knew he had more than friendly feelings for her, and had arguments about it with my ex at the time, it was just obvious and she was being naive. Anyways, he has been talking about her to someone that happened to be a friend of mine too and told me about it, he told him he was so jealous of me etc.

    Guess he told her that to justify his attention for her, considering she was with me and was in love with me

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