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  1. I found this forum accidently whilst looking for a songs lyrics but I saw your post and felt compelled to read it. I went through a similar thing last June, and I really do feel for you because this it is the most horrible thing in the world and nothing anyone can say will make it better. I had been together with my ex for three and a half years and she did the exact same thing to me. The way I dealt with it was to leave Edinburgh (we had a house together) and move back in to my parents house. This didnt help so I re-enlisted in the army and now I am off to Iraq. I was in the army before we met and that is were I have always been happiest. What I guess I'm trying to say from my experience is that your best option is to continue living your new life without her. Fill your days up with meeting up with mates that you have perhaps not seen so much of in the past few months. Go and do stuff that really interests you, and the key is to stay busy because it is only when you stop or when you are going to bed that you start beating yourself up mentally and get depressed. You should get rid of her stuff. I suggest you pack it up (all of it) and give it to a mutual friend to give to her. Just leave a small note in saying here is your stuff and nothing much more. Re-arrange your room, get some new posters for the walls and if you can afford it go and buy a new TV or a high fi or something cool just as a treat for yourself. I bought a new computer and then downloaded all the southpark episodes!!! they also helped me with going to sleep at night!!! As for your ex, I am digusted with the way that she has treated you over the whole splitting up and stringing you along giving you false hope. (Mine did that too) And although its not much of a consolation at least you found out now than a few years down the line. Hang in there David, and look after yourself. It will be alright in the end it just takes time and some days are worse than others but slowly it gets better and you will pull through this a much stronger, bigger person for it. Take care Greg
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