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Camber 2019

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Everything posted by Camber 2019

  1. A news story about a goat that broke into someones home and fell asleep in the bathroom!
  2. My body... how can everything hurt at the same time?
  3. Financial Institutions Garnered Huge Treasures TAXES
  4. People who post multiple threads on the same issue, then ignore ALL the advice supporters give them! It's like "Tell me what I want to hear, not what is logical"
  5. Lately, life seems alot like the movie "Groundhog Day"
  6. How about people who take up the entire isle in the grocery store...
  7. Ouch! rest up during the cold weather! I'm finally walking "somewhat" normally after my back went out a week ago!!! Oh to be young again!
  8. But what is really annoying me today is people who make a science project out of getting themselves a cup of soup at the self service counter! Geeeeeeeesssssssshhhhhhhh... have these people NEVER handled utensils before?
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