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Posts posted by sweet_bebcho

  1. Yup, it sure is messed up. Some countries have it worst, esp. those in the middle east where the girl has to wait to get marry else they killed her or the sheet was to be with blood on the wedding, now that's more messed up.


    I heard that too, i didn't bleed my first time. i dont know why i just didnt. those poor girls . i always feel sorry for them when i hear stuff like this.

  2. I was 20 when i lost my virginty. I put it down to my mother who would strike fear into our hearts if we even looked at her funny. We couldnt look at boys, even talk ablout them.She found my diary once and read it, lets just say that I'm glad to still be alive. She is old fashioned and she thought that once a young girl had a boyfriend it would lead to unwanted pregnancy and us dropping out of school. let just say we had the typical''caribbean'' upbringing. I remember at 15 when my other friend were off experimenting and they'd tell us about it at lunch time and my other 'sheltered' friend and i would just scratch our heads, no idea what the everyone else was on about. It was to the extent that if you looked closely enough you would have seen the yellow question marks hovering above our heads


    In the end i lost it to a guy i was just seeing because i was bored and i just wanted to get it over with. It was really bad. i remember we were listening to Coldplay and i was thinking, hmm i thought that this was supposed to hurt? At one point outof boredom. i changed postion so i could see what was on t.v. Anyway, in the end i regretted it, i guess it is better when you do finally lose it that its with someone that you feel strongly about and vice versa.


    More power to those of you who are still virgins. There is nothing wrong with it. At the end of the day. Its your choice.

  3. I've been in an interracial relationship now for the past 2 1/2 years. I'm of caribbean heritage, while he's eatern european. I've never met his parents. i've heard him tell them on the phone point blank that i'm the person he wants to be with and thats that. His dad doesn't mind us, but his mom just wont quit. Its not there fault really as they grew up in the sovient union during communism and war. they dont know how to think outside the box. They were told what to think and feel.

    However my family are completely fine with him. There is no way that I would let the views of his parents over-shadow our relationship. When it was new i thought about ending because i thought that we wouldnt be accepted by our peers/ family/society. I'm glad that i didnt because in the end we would have been the unhappy ones. People on the outside shouldn't factor in your relationship. If you truly care for and love each other you wont let what they say affect you. I know its hard. we still get looks but i just put it down to fact that we look gorgeous together.lol. Once you let go of these things. You'll have a better relationship.

  4. Goodbye my lover- James Blunt



    Goodbye my lover.

    Goodbye my friend.

    You have been the one.

    You have been the one for me.


    And I still hold your hand in mine.

    In mine when I'm asleep.

    And I will bare my soul in time,

    When I'm kneeling at your feet.

    Goodbye my lover.

    Goodbye my friend.

    You have been the one.

    You have been the one for me.


    I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.

    I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.

    I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.

    I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.



    It just makes me cry when he get to the ' 'i'm so hollow'' bit

  5. My sister is having the same problem with he boyfriend and her ex. I'm friends with her ex as well and when he comes over for dinner or movie her boyfriend comes by and he wont even acknowledge that her ex is in the room. I think that its all down to insecurity. We've tried so many times to let her boyfriend feel comfortable about it but he just won't. Her boyfriend has gone as far as telling her that she should sever all contact with her ex. She refuses to , they are still friends. i think that they ( your boyfriend and my sis's) should just trust you both more. If he trust you fully then there will be no need to think that something is gonna happen everytime you are alone together with your exes.


    My boyfriend is still friends with 2 of his exes and I trust him completely. It may sound stupid but when you have trust all the extra crap in your relationship don't seem to matter anymore.

  6. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years now. We usually have our little fights but always try and work it out. Recently we had a big argument, I don't even remember what it was about now, anyway I decided that I had had enough and just didnt want to speak to him for a while. After 3 days he didnt call, and I didnt call.


    Just before bed on the third night I decided to just give him a call to see what was up, he answered as if nothing had happened, as usual. I asked why he hasent called and he said because i hadent called him either and that by the tone of my text messages I really didnt want to be ih him at the moment. All I texted was that he's always really selfish to me and that he needs to get is act together.


    Anyway he starts to telk me that since we met until now, he feels emotionally detached from me. He says that he had never really given me his heart. He said how he feels bad because these feeling have always been there since we got together and he just had to get them out.


    I told him that if he felt this way he should have said something.To make it worse he tries to convince me that i'm the same way and that i've never really showed him any feelings that would make him think that i have really deep feelings together. The longest we ever spent apart was 2 weeks when he went on holiday, we are togther at least 5 of 7 nights, we do most things together, so it really hurt me when he said ll these things to me.


    I then asked where does he see us going from here? He said that he would be lying if he said that he wanted us to break up. Says he still wants us to see each other despite of everything he told me. I know that he's been really hurt in the past, he says that he really does care about me, but his heart is just closed up.


    He has just made me so confused, I know that deep down i still want to be with him. I asked some friends what they thought and they said that he's just scared that i may leave him and he just wanted to know what was on my mind. I dont know, what do you guys think?






    Go slow at first until your muscles are relaxed. Breathe calmly, deeply at first. Do not tense up.



    Easier in spoon position/missionary or you laying on his chest...your back on his front, to guide and control. Doggie style is worst position due to pressure and direction he hits.


    Its true, doggystyle is the worst when you're new to anal.


    Missionary with your legs up can be quite relaxing at times

  8. I checked out that site, quite informative. I went to check on my own vibrator and realized that the batteries have gone dead. I almost had a heart attack. Its like my little friend that I hide in the back of my closet. Anyway, got to go get some batteries..............

  9. My boyfriend has the biggest spaces ever between his big toe and the other ones. I'm not grossed out about it but tease him just for the fun of it. If he was wearing sandals when we met then I'd be quite weirded out but now whenever my eyes 'catch' his feet I just think well if he ever needs to be identified at the morgue, God forbid, I'll recognize him in a second. ( He didnt find that joke funny either.)


    I asked him a few times if he's sure he wasn't born with 12 toes and they removed 2, but he ashures me that he was born this way. LOL.

  10. I don't want to be long but just wanted to share with everyone what it was like being in Central London that day.


    Its the first time since the attacks that I've actually been home. I was on my way to work when it happened. I live in East London and work just south of the Thames. The one day I decided to take another route to work this had to happen. When I got to where I usually got to get the train, they said there was no service on that line due to a suspicious package, so i decided to take a route to work that I have never taken before.


    I went to North Greenwhich to get a bus hoping to go even close to where Iwork. It was only my second day on the job and I've never been to work via buses, only the Underground. The bus took me to Lewisham then Deptford, then to London Brigde and then to central London. I realized I was a little far from work so I decided to get off about 5 minutes before the bus terminated at Russell Square (where one of the bombings took place,) and catch a bus to somewhere else.


    I finally get on a bus and as the bus gets to Holborn in Central London, people start running everywhere, theirs police and ambulances, it was crazy.

    Not knowning what was happening I stayed on that but until it took me into North London. That was when I got a call from my boyfriend saying that a bomb had gone off on a bus at Russel Square.


    I thought that he was joking I couldnt believe , I started to panic as I have friends that work in Central London, I phoned then and their phones went dead, I started to cry. I have gotten in touch with everyone except my best friend and her mom, they work at the same place.


    I headed to my boyfriends house tp my parents, my dad's in Jamaica and my mom's in the U.S.

    As my dad answered he said that my mom was on the other line histerical, I let them know that my sister and I were ok and that we had accounted for most of our friends.


    As the day went by I got in contact with everyone we knew and it put my mind at rest.


    I feel really sorry for anyone that lost anyone in the bombing and especially the people that still have missing relatives. My heart truly goes out to them all. I just hope that whoever has done this will be brough to justice. I think it happeneded because we were hosting the G8 summit. Just the day before I was at Stratford where they were celebrating London winning the bid to host the 2012 Olympics, everyone had come together to celebrate, it was free to the public and we all had fun. Not even 24 hours later and this has been overshadowed by these attacks


    Now they're saying that it may happen in Birmingham and the city centre is closed to traffic.


    I just hope and pray that it doesn't. I mean, it could have been me I was 5 minutes away and would have probably gotten the tube from there to go home, but I didnt for some reason. Only God saved me that day. I thank Him that I'm still alive.

  11. I did psych in college and I think a part of it is that the patient thinks that this person is the only one on the world that listens and cares about them , so they have that deep connnection, and they can tell them things that they would never tell people normally. The therapist always listens and gives advice and the patient seem to think that , wow this person knows exactly where I'm coming from so they become independent and attached. Its quite a common thing.

  12. Run very fast , obsessive behaviour is not something that should be taken lightly. Have you seen Vanilla Sky? ( the first 30 mins) or Fatal Attraction, when these people didnt get what they wanted , they decided to act on it, no matter what the cost. Tell her how you really feel and that she needs to stop. The other thing is that you were her first and thet probably makes her more obsessed with you. Maybe you should go over one day when you know she's not home and talk to her parents and set the record straight.


    Also, I'd like to know what network you guys are on that you can both send a receive 50 texts a day. I have three phone and I know that that must be very expensive.

  13. If you're in a loving relationship then penis size shouldnt matter that much to you. Anyway, its not the size its what you do with it. Really.


    Also, everyone talks about how the guy has to be 'long' ,but if your penis is over 7 inches long, I dont want it anywhere near me! Just where is hell gonna put all of it? Bigger doesnt mean better in this case as some of them have big ones and dont know what to do with it.

  14. Havent been here in a few days and I cant believe that this post is stll going! You really need to do something quickly. Tell someone. Everyday when you let this go by, it probably happens again and again. You could be the voice of reason in all of this. Speak to your friend soon or someone of authority. ie her parents.


    She could be abusing her little brother right now. I was abused as a child by a neighbour and I know how it feels. Its confusing and traumatizing as hell and you just dont know what to do. Maybe if i'd told someone then they could have done something but I didnt and the fact that you know that this is happening and you do nothing, i'm really conserned for both your friend and her brother especially.


    I'm not comng down on you I just wihs that you tell someone Now! Get them help.

  15. Use lots and lots of lube and another thing, since you're new to it, dont do it in the doggystyle position, it can really hurt and its really uncomfortable in the sense that your anus is not shaped like a vagina, its most curvy. You can let him start by using his fingers to loosen you up.

  16. She sounds desperately insecure to me and I'm glad that you got read of her. At 27 she has some growing up to do when it comes to relationships. Reading your original post reminded me of 'Vanilla Sky' with Tom Cruise.

    He and Cameron Diaz's character were not in an exclusive relationship, Tom's character had made that very clear.


    However Cameron decides that he slept with her and that his body made a promise to hers and that nothing or noone would stand between them. After realizing through conversation that they weren't on the same wavelenght (ie. he had just spend the night with a girl he had just met the day before, Penelope`.), she decides that he gonna pay and drives them off the road killing herself and severly injuring him all for something that wasnt meant to be.


    Its just good that you made it very clear in the email that you didnt wanna see her anyomre, hopefully she got the message loud and clear.

  17. Its right what everyone here is saying. For me, a part of it is missing him and a part of it was anger with myself for staying that long even though you know that the relationship cannot be helped. I was abused night after night by my boyfriend until i put a post on here about it and realized that what he was doing to me was wrong and that I deserved better. He used to rape me everynight but made it look as if i was asleep while he was trying to have sex with me.


    The next day he'd pretend that nothing out of the ordinary had happened and when I called him pn things he'd say that it wasnt a bid deal, which was his comment to most of the things he did to me.


    It was hard but I'm still coping without him. Once I did think that it could work out, but the fact that he wasnt willing to establish that there was a problem in our relationship and that it was a big deal, I just couldnt do it anymore. He wasnt even willing to try and waned to kepp acting like eveything was normal which was the sick part.


    You never need someone who makes you feel bad about yourself, its his loss in the end and you're much better with him. Don't call him, dont write, just erase him from your life!

  18. I cant see why you have aproblem with what she says in bed. Sex is a very important part of a relationship and the fact that she'e telling you that she's so satisfied with you should make you over the moon. My ex used to groan really load and whisper stuff in my ear like,'' tell me you want me to cum inside you!'' etc. He'd but his ear to my mouth so he could hear me breathe and when I orgasmed. It was gratifying for both of us to know that we satisfied each other everytime we had sex.


    One day you'll realize, when you meet one of these women that just lay there bored and look like the'd rather be somewhere else, you'll get no feedback, not even a groan, and see how aweful you'll feel.


    There is nothing childish about what she says, keep her!

  19. Like everyone else said, if its replacable stuff like DVD's etc, just let it go.

    If its sentimental then you're gonna have to try a little bit harder to get them back. Just go when you know that he'll be home and invite yourself in. You might wanna take someone with you just to make sure everything runs smoothly. Good Luck!

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