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Posts posted by jadedsoyoung

  1. There are a million and one reasons for you to not have a baby now. But I do understand the desire to have achieved something so wonderful as having a child.


    But think of it this way. If you have a baby now, you will never have a time in your life for yourself. I had my son at 18 and I wish I had a few years after high school to be responsibility free and have some fun supporting myself only.


    If you are pregnant, give it your all. Even when you will be wanting to be free again. Everything will change. But you will have a moral obligation to be a supportive mother for your child. Not dumping them off to your parents or leaving them alone watching t.v. That kid will demand 100% of your energy all the time. This is a very rewarding time in a person's life. But so are the times for yourself.


    You will have plenty of time to devote yourself to another human being completely. Take some time to appreciate yourself! You really do deserve it. It is hard to think of it now because you are probably still living with your parents and in school. But it is such a fun time to be living on your own after high school and working for yourself and partying on the weekends. When you have a kid you cannot live in a house that is not nice, you must have good food all the time, you must be willing to devote yourself all the tim. Take a least a few years and have some fun, for you. I see all my friends doing this now and I feel jealous. I love my son and I wouldn't trade him for the world but I would recommend to others to spend some time finding yourself.


    Even as I type this I have to stop every minute to talk to my kid. He doesn't like me not playing with him and I cannot be cruel and ignore him to play on the internet.


    Good luck, and do whatever feels right for you. It will all work out in the end, but the trip there might not be as pleasant.

  2. First off, toothpaste will dry it out but won't heal anything. If you're spot look kinda like burn marks and are spreading, you might want to see a doctor as it could be a bacterial infection. What everyone else said is pretty much right on, lots of water, good skincare products, avoid irritating foods. Make sure that your make up is not making it worse either, bad makeup can clog your pores sometimes.

  3. When you do attempt this position make sure you are warmed up because going deep only feels good if you are ready for it. Try taking in only the top of him, laying real close not sitting up so its less work. Also turning around and facing the other way changes the angle.

  4. If you have a really heavy period, like I do, going on some form of birth control might control the sevarity of the cramps and flow. Other than that, heat and light excerise. Yoga or some stretchs will help loosen you up. Try to avoid salty foods as well, they increase the bloating and pressure.

  5. I found out in August that my father had sexually assaulted my older sister. She was 22 at the time. This has really messed me up. I have offer help to my sister but she said she just wanted to forget it. My dad died in September and I never confronted him about it. I told my mom but she wasn't really shocked at all. It seems like I am the only one who thought this was really wrong and that my dad was a bad person. Is abuse considered ok if the victim is "okay" with it? I don't think so but at his funeral everyone thought my dad was such a good person. I just wanted to scream the truth but I kept queit. He had done many other bad things before but I had always ignored it and thought that you had to be loyal to your family no matter what. Now all my ideas on loyalty and family are skewed. I have dreams about it constantly and I feel so angry at him but I can't do anything.

  6. First off, I have tried drugs but never been a frequent user. The life he has expposed me to has turned me off any substance use at all. I never was a partier and that was part of his attraction to me. I was innocent and would not call him on things he was doing. Now whenever I bring it up he gets angry. And you are right that my brain is rewired. I don't think I can live on my own without his help. I have always been such a smart girl. I got straight a's all through school and even now in college my average is high 90's. All of my friends and family have always thought of my as the smart responsible one. I don't want to admit I was wrong. I have defended him to everyone around me so much. I feel so stupid, like I cna't do anything right. All my family is accross the country and not much help to begin with. I don't want their veiws of me to change.

  7. You should try to not put so much of your self worth in others hands. If you like this girl and treat her well and respect her boundaries, then who cares about 3 years. I have been there, feeling alone in a room swarming full of people, but you are probably not the only one in that group felling that way. Spend time doing what makes you feel good and be selfish sometimes. Turn down an invite to a party, go to bed early. Just tell those closest to you that sometimes you fell down and they can help by leaving you alone, or by being supportive of you. They do actually care and will never understand if you don't let them.

  8. I am currently in school to become a medical esthetician and I have learned a lot about the skin. Make sure you are using good products,a gentle cleanser and yes, moisturizer. Your oil glands are just over active but harsh cleansing with only stimulate them more. If you have the cash go to a spa or skin care clinic or even dermatologist. The dermatologist is more likely to prescribe you drugs but the esthetician with offer good products and techniques. I know you hate hearing this as I did 5 years ago, but this is just a phase and it will pass. I know that offers no comfort but this is typically an adolescent problem. Hang in there. I am sure the other kids in your school have similar problems.

  9. I went trough a similar situation too when I first lost my virgintiy. Although I still have never had an orgasm, I do enjoy intercourse. First off, lube is important!! Secondly, don't be afraid to get down and dirty. Tell him what to do and how to do it, watch a porno together and comment on what you would like, dress up in lingerie, get on top. Create a fantasy world where you have power and are not afraid of what he will think. He will probably like your brazeness. Remember you will not be "bad" or "dirty" for doing this (unless you like that of course) If he has a bad reaction or refuses your requests and advances, lose him and find someone willing to explore with you.

  10. I met my boyfriend or T when I was 16 he was 31. I grew up in a very neglective environment and he was just the coolest guy ever. He drank and used drugs. I lost my virginity to him and dated him, hiding it from my family. They found out and feaked, of course.


    But I stayed with him behind their backs again. He was addicted to crystal meth and was invovled in a big drug bust. He went trough rehab and I became pregnant. I told my family and they freaked, again. But with him being clean and treating me well (or so I said) they calmed down about it.


    As soon as the baby was born and we lived together he became verbally abusive and started using again. He spent thousands of dollars a month on crack and would spend our rent and food money. He would blame this behavior on me saying I didn't take good enough care of the house or him.


    He enventually stopped using crack and started on meth again. He would stay up for a week, out in the garage playing on the computer or having druggie friends over. He would go through down periods where he would sleep for days. During these times he would yell at me, throw things, push me, and a couple times he chocked me and held me against the wall. This was all in front of our child.


    I left him and went to a transition house but after I moved into my new place I let him stay with me until he found a new place. He stopped using and we got back together. Of course, stupid me, he was still using and right now I am back in the same situation as before but worse. We spent all my student loan and I have no income of my own until June. I am dependant on him. I am afraid that I won't leave him when I get my own money.


    I find so much comfort in him and he is a good dad. There a many good things that I am not saying but a lot more bad things I am not saying either. I fell so alone. I just want to talk to someone who doesn't think I am crazy and I don't have to defend myself to.

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