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Everything posted by SammiJo1215

  1. I know its been awhile since I've written and I don't even know if anyone is still reading my story. I hope so! If anyone is out there please respond with some advise. It's been three weeks and I'm still not sleeping, having nightmares, and can't quit thinking of him as this great guy. I feel like I will never find anyone as great as him and I just miss him soooo much it hurts my stomach (literally) Lately I've been driving to the restrauant he works at and sit outside near his car and just sob. I want to be close to him. Of course he doesn't know I haven't been there. We haven't talked since the day we broke up!!! I am feeling stuck in my life right now. I'm scared to move on completely from him yet I don't want to stay dwelling on this either. I feel in limbo and don't know what to do. Why hasn't he called? I hear from others he is still quite depressed. My mom actually talked to him because before we broke up she is helping get him a job where she works so now he has an interview and she is meeting with him to help him. THAT'S HARD FOR ME!! She said he sounds so sad. If he is so damn sad why doesn't he just pick up the phone and call me!! Why push me away?!? Sad enough, I do have that small hope that if he gets a job he'll call me. I know, that is stupid. I've been told that what I'm feeling and experiencing, he probably is too?? Does anyone believe that?
  2. Thank you so much ladies for responding to me today. That means a lot to me that people actually read what I'm writing, this about it, and then try to help a complete stranger. Its so hard for me to be the one with the problem with my friends and family. I always want to be there for everyone else. You both made such valid points on why not to call him and it made me really think and I did not call him!! I had the phone in my hand dialing the number, I read what you both wrote and I put down the phone! I just needed to hear it I guess. I think I will keep rereading both of those. Rainy Soul, thanks for identifying with my situation of coming here for the first time. I have also never ever been on a chat room sight like this so it is weird for me to tell everything to a group of people who don't know me. However, one of my good friends did this when she and her boyfriend broke up and it helped her tremendously! I feel annoying Like you, I definintely wear my heart on my sleeve and I don't know if that's good or bad. Overall, I came here for support to get over him and do the right thing, not be to ridiculed and have it be thrown in my face.
  3. Today is a really rough day because we used to play the silliest April Fool's jokes on each other. I just wish he'd pick up the phone and call me! I want to call him sooo bad! Talk me about this and remind me WHY I don't call him please! My sister ran into him and got my spare car key and apartment key back from him. It bothered me that she got to see him, but not me. He was apparently very short with her and seemed okay. Why didn't he ask how I was doing??? Feeling desperate today!!
  4. Thank you for letting me know about your two coworkers. Believe it or not, it is nice to know that other people found their true love early and in high school. Even though he may not be the man I spend the rest of my life with, I know it WAS true love and he was my first love. I don't know what will ever come about with us but I do know that I never doubted my feelings for him and I now know for sure that it was true love.
  5. Well look here little girl of all 20 years old, I am 23 years old and yes, we did meet when we were young, I was 17 and he was 19. We dated for three years and then broke up for 7 months for the whole reason you are complaining about. Yes I dated many other guys while broke up and he did as well. Also, to assume I did not date before is a misunderstanding you are quick to assume. I have dated guys and have had many life experiences to learn from. If you get nothing from what I am saying understand this: There is NO magic formula that you have to date a certain number of guys before meeting the "right" guy. I have met and know many couples who met in high school and are still happily married. No matter what happens from here on out I would never felt I wasted six year of my life with him. I had an awesome best friend throughout that whole time. If he dated me for six years then sometime in that time frame he WAS in to me and you should really avoid using mainstream lines from books. It makes you sound fake and immature. Lastly, I did NOT come to this website to be attacked, I came here for support. Thank you to everyone else who has given me supportive and constructive advice.
  6. I dated my boyfriend for six years. Two years ago he broke up with me saying he needed to see what else was out there and so on. Of course, I was crushed for months and then 6 months later he decided I was the one for him and we got back together. We dated for another two years, lived together, and even bought a dog together. There has been a lot of tension lately because he lost a job a year ago and was never able to find the "right" job for him since. Unfortunately, we had to suck up our pride and move in with my mother for a bit to save money. He has been very depressed and it has escalated. I see him going in a downward spiral. He had to suck it up and work as a waitor so living with my mother and working as a waitor really made him have a bad self esteem. I constantly tried to keep his spirits up and motivate him by doing sweet things. Sometimes he seemed to appreciate it, another times he didn't seem grateful. A week ago he confronted me saying he hated himself and hated his life and that he needed to be alone, saying he had no choice but to break up with me. I was devasted that this was happening to me again!!! I trusted him with my whole heart for two years and we had been making plans to get engaged after he got a job! Then he started saying that he loved me but he wasn't "in love" with me and that he didn't care for me the way I cared for him, and that he saw no future. Of course I made him leave that night and the next day he came and moved out!! He cried briefly while moving out but was also very cold and rude. I got the feeling he was trying to make me hate him. He said he never wanted to talk to me again because it would be too hard on ME! Since then, we haven't talked at all and said our final goodbyes that last day. It was the worst day of my life! I am an absolute mess! I cannot eat or sleep. I go to bed crying and wake up crying. I just lost my best friend of 6 years so quickly all in one day! I feel as though I lost everything I have, including my identity. I miss him so much! I don't know what to do, how to handle this, or even how to move on. I feel absolutely paralized and lost. Please help me and give me your honest advice! Feel free to ask me questions!
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