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Everything posted by ZEM

  1. I appreciate everyone's imput.. and if anyone out there has suggestions, please let me know.. if I didn't care about other people, I would reverse my existence pronto... now and then I still toy with the idea. MetallicAguy: friends just don't seem to help much.. I have friends, good ones, but I work and go to college full time so I don't have time to join clubs or such. I_KicKed_keNNedy: So I should just lay back and enjoy the scenery, eh? That doesn't seem to work either. I still want to get off the friggin bus. And I believe you.. kicked kennedy, that is. QTpie87: Thank you. Funny how it is.. I'm excellent about helping others but darned if I can help myself.
  2. Im not sure how to talk about this, but I will try. I have been feeling depressed and feel my life lacks any purpose. I really feel that I am nothing but a waste of molecules. As silly and childish that it is, I often wish I had never been born. My past has been a struggle to survive, and my future seems to continue to be a struggle. I'm not ungrateful for making it this far, but what worries me to no end is that my life seems to have no purpose. I feel I have very little, if anything, to look forward to.. it's so hard just to make ends meet and to get up everyday. How does one find out their purpose in life? I feel very lost and alone as I have few family that actually stay in contact with me and have basically felt abandoned for the most part. What keeps people going? The fact is, I'm tired of this sh**ty world and sick of being a hamster on a wheel... Can anyone relate with me or tell me something that might help.. please let me know. I have been very depressed lately. Thank you.
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