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Posts posted by shady

  1. insecurity...i have over come....it feels like a phase....people usually always get over it someday & realize it doesnt matter but what can you do know/just start talking to people you have some confidence and able 2 talk 2 them & maybe you'll meet more people shy or not...what to say....i just say whatever comes to mind..not stupid things but just about anything....they're just human..if they judge me..its their fault

  2. hey....well it seems she likes you too...i mean i don't usually talk to a guy EVERY NIGHT and look at them if i don't have some sort feelings for them....yeah about that every night night talking thing....trust me....DON'T TALK to her EVERY night because...it bores people after a while...every couple nights is good though...just like metallicAguy said....if you just look at her every once in a while but kinda leave some space between you two...i don't know why but i like guys MORE when they're not around me constantly...it draws me to them....just relax...chill...and one day something will happen between you two

  3. i can't tell you much about how you feel, cuz as long as you talk to this girl your going to like her....if u want to or not....just don't let your jealousy show,...if you want to keep talking to her your still going to like her, the only way to stop that is stop talkin to her....which isn't what you want right?

  4. well the thing is, how are internet b/f's and g/fs real?YOU can't tell if there cheating, if its always them talking to you, even if there real, like truly do care or anything, you don't know because you have never seen or spoken to them...you shouldn't stress over someone you have never met...true true you can have feelings for someone over the internet but remember...THERE ARE JUST PEOPLE OVER THE INTERNET..if you keep that in check and remember the difference between internet and reality it shouldn't bother you as much..just remember....good luck!

  5. dragon girls right, just try to think about all the bad things he did, they might help it make it easier to not see him anymore, i could tell you to stop thinking about someone, but that's impossible, the only way to lessen your thoughts and keep him away is just plain and simple, ignore him

  6. okay, im really confused..me n my boyfriend broke up about a month ago...i cheated on him while we were going up but i told him. it was a mistake n i wish i could take it back and he forgave me and we were still together. plus, he always told me how he never felt this way towards any other girl but me, he loved me. i was going through a lot of depression so he was sumthin stable and hard for me to hold onto..something real. but i just couldnt keep lying to my mom, so i broke up with him, thinking we would stil be good friends. but i was wrong. he ignored me, wouldnt talk to me, and he started smoking n selling a lot of illegal drugs. i was heartbroken because he told me he would stop doing that while we were going out. so i felt betrayed. it went on for a month acting like we didnt speak to each other. i never felt so depressed n i started thinking of suicide all over again. i cried all the time but finally one of his friends (he liked me) called me from my ex's house n i was all happy because i thought it was my ex. me n my ex started talking and then we were playin around n i told him 2 go suck a lemon n he told me to go suck the guy i cheated on him with. i started crying n hung up because he would always put me down when we were going out. he called a while later n apologized n i forgave him. then we started playin our favorite game 21 Questions. he asked me if i still cared for him n i said it didnt matter now since he had a new girlfriend. he told me he still loved me n always thought of me everyday. he broke up with her 2 try 2 get back with me. we talk everyday but i dont know what to do. i care for him but not like he does me. i dont know wut to tell him because i lead him on like a lot. im scared i dont wanna lose him but i dont wanna be with him either...i wanna get over him n move on 2 like sum1..help me someone please!

  7. paranoia huh? well i'm not exactly sure what to say cuz when me and my ex friend/ b/f broke up we NEVER talk anymore, don't worry about later live now, in the present. If he makes u truly happy, don't worry about the future about how he WILL or MIGHT act.Just chill out and live for today.


    ~learn from the past plan for the future live in the present~

  8. hey everyone i don'y know if anyone read my later post but they were about someone that i have cared for (for a really long time) well he still talks to me but its just friends plus he's going out with my friend. Well, the guy she used to like likes me now , and i like him too! The only reason we're not going together is because for 1 reason my other friend has a crush on him and i'm not sure how commited i would be since i still feel for someone long-gone...although i do like this boy. I'm not sure if I should i mean, it might help me REALLY help forget about the other one but i just don'y know what to do. If i tell this boy no he'll move on and i don't want him to, but i want to stay single at the same time and flirt and just be me, but i really need to get over the other guy, which i know if i did go out with someone new, i could...what in tha world do i do?

  9. hey, my buddy is like totally mad at her boyfriend. Her & him have been going together for ever and he's still too shy to do anything with her. Although he goes and tells his friends he has. She wishes he would be more..."frisky" with her but all they ever do is talk and hug. She has kissed him but he won't do anything else.,or even do that, anymore. Although its obvious he's crazy for her? Any suggestions i can give her?


  11. Well, last year around October me and my boyfriend broke up. Ever since then we have just been um...close...we still called each other all the time and still spent time with one another...we were just not dubbed, together. Last month one day he didn't call or talk to me at school once, then for the rest of the month he never said anything to me. I, of course went on my way. The end of the month and, his name shows up on my caller i.d., i picked it up and we talked for hours, he invited me to a party Saturday night and wanted to make it up to me for the what he called "break of a month" well, i went because i still had feelings for him and, spent the whole night with him. the next week at school though he was back to not talking to me. Tuesday he asked out one of my friends and by Wednesday they already had plans for the upcoming weekend together. I was angry. IF he was over me he shouldn't have told me to go to that party right? Well this Thurs. I started to flirt with some boy right in front of my ex assuming he wouldn't care but he had this angry look on his face like i was ding somthing wrong, that night he sent me an insant messeage with a recorded message on it with him saying some nasty words. What is his problem? How do i forget about him? Should I get over him? Help me everyone.

  12. yeah this happened to me last month when a really good friend of mine...i knew her whole family & practically lived w/ them when i wuz younger was murdered...i felt like life wuz stupid & not fair...but lookin bac @ it...i dunno i can deal w/ it a lot easier...trust me TIME IS THE CURE FOR EVERYTHINg...well...almost everything...get up cuz u should cuz ur lucky enough to still be here while other people (who didn'y want 2 leave earth )were taken away...stay brave!

  13. ok after i read that i got freaked out cuz that happened 2 me likelast week...except i took sum 1 elses advice & layed off my ex (even if i wuz still crazy 4 him ) well...he ended up askin out my friend & now their goin out...it sux & it makes me feel like crap...plus all she does is talk about him..ALL THE TIME!!! i don say ne thing & i act as if i don care cuz my ex seems completely over me, i do wanna move on but i'm going 2 have to cuz its over & i keep thinkinb bought how much fun they'll b having, if he says the same things to her...so i decided 2 put it away in a box of feelings & 4get about him till i get over him

  14. hey u should try to talk to her but see if ur gestures are in the right place, does she like u 2? she maybe shy yet she may be avoiding u cuz she doesn't like u, i'm not sayin she doesn't but...jus don fall head over heals for something u don kno bought yet all u can do is talk to her if there is something else going on in the chemistry than somthing will happen

  15. i hate me,


    and this person i have come to be.

    i hate my mind,

    my body,

    and the way when i get put down,

    i sit and let them,

    push me around

    i hate the way i feel

    as if this life isn't real

    it's only a game

    & when i loose,

    my body is worthless & used

    but mostly i hate me,


    and this person i have come to be.

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