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  1. thanks annie.. hes coming tonight.. Hope we work this out in a productive way without hurting each other. Thanks everyone for all your support..
  2. Thanks iceman, I am very open to him. I just expect him to be same as he was before marriage and let me feel safe and secured. But doing these online thing is like a sword in my heart, even though its just some casual encounters. Communication, we do talk, but in a deep level no, just the basic day to day activities. I am planning to have a detailed talk very smoothly when he returns back, because I love him and want this marriage to work thanks for all your advice. DN, I would be very grateful if you could advice me on this. I am so lost . This was the same person who never would hide anything from me and now everything is very changed. Muneca, yes I will do that I thought I was in that path already. Only when I saw some ad like this, tore my heart..
  3. Thanks muneca, I spoke to him asking if it was he who posted the ad in the personals. He said after a few words yes. I asked why. The answer he said was. I know you dont trust me, So I know you would do this search, so only for that I had posted. I am not going to with any woman but my colleague hows a guy. I asked how come he got the tickets. He said he had seen the tickets availablity last weekend itself and thus had asked someone and have confirmed it. I asked back, if you know you are planning to go to the game, cant you have atleast the courtest of telling me. He said, I didnt confirm anything, so didnt tell you. but was planning to tell you before the game as you will be asking me where I am then... He says I cant keep telling you about my plans. If you trust then be with me, else its not in my hands anymore I am so upset and let down. Is this how marriage always be. wont people be true and say what they are doing? Atleast he was so before marriage... How should I move on now?
  4. He used to say so.. not lately thou
  5. muneca, Initially I thought about that, not to say until he turns back. but I am scared what if its really him and had gone out with another woman even if its just company. We know men, they just keep doing each level one by one, today it may be just company and then tomorrow one night stand and then even before we know, he might be in another affair right.. So thats the reason I want to stop even this company thingy. What do you say, am I thinking in the right sense?
  6. I know marijo2480 its just I am scared.. as you said, hope its just me getting paraniod and hes not doign anything...
  7. now u scared the hell out of me....
  8. Thanks a lot everyone. Both side seems to be important, i mean fake ID or talking to him straight. Ok for Fake ID because - I dont want him to get hurt. What if its not him and I had him think that I dont trust him anymore. May be I was paraniod Talking up first - He might promise that its not him. Praise Lord if its not him. but if he is, he would have gone for the game with some company or he might close the chapter feeling scared or guilty that I knew.. But either way he had cheated me right. so isnt it best to do that fake thing. Please let me know your thoughts people.. Thanks for all your support, I really needed someone to lean on, I am not lonely anymore... you guys are great !!
  9. Thanks a lot everyone... Please advice him if I should confront him about this???
  10. Its not the bad terms with us actually. Its their family that wont approve me and yet we married and now he feels that he had let down his family. so we fight because of that. We thought we need to resolve our mind before involving ourself physically again, which we both are ok with. this period I am taking as something to clear my mind and need to work on our marriage, but being with someone else either for a company or as an affair, that I couldnt digest at all.
  11. Thanks He never had gone after another women when we were in good terms. Now since we arent the in the same page, he did some like this in the past.. Like looking over adultfinder and other dating sites. By God's grace somehow I found them (it happened, I tried to enter something with "a" in his laptop IE browser and this site-adultfinder came up thats how I found abt that site and then pretty much started to do my own investigation to look for his profile in other sites.) but he swear that he was just looking thru them and never really did anything in real. So I am really insecure when it comes to this. Thats the reason I did a search on this city hes in meeting too and found out that he had posted for some company for a game tomorrow.. and my inner guts say it must be him..
  12. Hi, My husband has left for a meeting to texas. We are not in good terms due to our family problems. We do stay together thou. He loves basketball and had said couple of times that he would take to watch it once. today over fone, he said he might go to watch it, if he gets any tickets. I was surprised because he never does anything like this without me. I am bit paraniod he has no one there and hes not a person to go alone and watch a game. so was thinking if he might be trying some new company? So went to all personal websites and searched if theres any posting from a male asking for a female company for a game in that city. Unfortunately I found one in the same city, posted today. My heart says it might be him... and I dont think its just a coincidence... Now please explain me if I am just paraniod or hes cheating on me Please guide me.... I am very new to this.
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