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Posts posted by djedix

  1. Well, I've been doing a lot of intropective thinking lately, and I've realized that I've got some pretty serious trust issues. Things just ended between my gf and I, and I realize now that I almost never trusted her. Anytime she went out or wasn't with me, I would freak out and worry about what she was doing. I do this a lot with people, just having a hard time believing them or trusting them. I'm not exactly sure why I'm like this, but I have a couple of ideas. Anyone know of a way to get over this?


    Anytime i've really had any sort of trust issues with a g/f has been when they repeatitvily did things that would make me question there trust, and instead of respecting me, and not doing those things, they would continue to do so, and then i would get all insecure... On the flipside, when there is respect for me and the relationship, the relationship is great, and there are no trust issues at all.. Don't think it's all about you thou... I bet she did things that made you question her

  2. That's why I said before, I don't know what I would do until it happened to me. It's different when you go through it, whether you did the cheating or you have been cheated on. It is a total case by case basis. Infedility is such a touchy topic with all kinds of twists and turns. I don't know, I guess now I am rambling. I guess it would be hard for me to say until it happened to me.


    hopefully you'll never have to go through it

  3. I also was very insecure about her guy friends and was always asking if I should be worried about them, etc...


    Well this right here... What is this about? was she putting you into situations where you had to question her? Was she hanging out with other guys without you or something?

  4. he is putting on a front to be nice with you in hopes that you will get back with him. once you would get back with him, possibly a few days or even weeks later he will return to the same person... AKA people dont change that quickly.. alot of people are afraid of change, and unless he can complete prove to you that he has changed, and not say he has changed... then you should give him a chance, but if you do, you need to start out from the beginning once again, and not just fall back into what it was. It's a good way to see if he truly changed.. and see if he gets frustrated at the fact that he can not have what he had before, he has to work for it now.

  5. Throw a program on the computer that monitors all the activity on the PC (websites, emails, im conversations) and see what's going on if she wont give you a straight awnser.


    If you bought the computer, you have the right to know what it's being used for.


    something like this


    link removed

    link removed

  6. Cheating = No Respect.


    When i have been cheated on, I loose complete respect for the person. Because by cheating, they have shown that they have no respect for me, and the relationship we shard..


    I also think they show no respect by putting themselfs in situations where there is possible cheating... aka going to a party without you, drinking without you, having a male "friend" who is so important to see.. I think this shows no respect for the relationship at all. I think if you are in a commited relationship, you should be doing things (going to these parties) WITH your significant other.


    I also think part of it is self control, and self respect.. "But i was drunk" does not cut it, unless the person was drugged on purpose.. but that goes back to the whole, putting your self in a sitiation...


    Cheaters never win, and in my book, they get the boot as soon as what they have done comes to light

  7. I think this is absolutely ridiculous. Yes, it is a matter of respect and she isn't showing any by chosing to keep you a secret from this guy but because your S/O is e-mailing someone of the opposite sex does not mean that it is a good reason to break up them. That is just plain stupid. If you're just going to break up with someone whenever a problem arrises than you obviously don't care about the person you're with enough. If you really love someone you want to work things out, am I not right?

    Yeah, you are 18 and married at a very young age. Come talk to me when you're marriage fails because your hubby is hooking up with people on the internet and realize you gave him permission to do so.............


    You need a little more life experience before you slam my opinion, just like I wrote on my reply, it was my opinion.


    I swear, I don't even read replies from teenagers on this forum, they think they know it all and yet aren't even living in the real world yet..............


    They will learn in time, gotta let them fall flat on there face. Its the only way they learn. We know cuz we all were once them, and didnt listen to anyone... years later you look back and your like "duh"

  8. If you really love someone you would not openly make contact with another person of the oppisite sex that would cause issues were you would have to 'work it out' in the first place.


    confront her, ask her what's with this need to be incontact with this so called "friend" all of a sudden.


    The way i look at friends is, if they are truly your "friend" they would not froget about you for months in the first place... Then come back around when they need something... or want something...

  9. I know my man would NEVER do that to me


    Not trying to pick a fight or anything... but how do you REALLY know if someone you love, and are with... who tells you they love you, tells you they cherish you... tells you they want to spend the rest of there life with you.. will not do something. I think saying NEVER to anything, cheating, breaking up, etc is bad because we can truly never think as someone else.

  10. Your boyfriend, hung out with another girl more than you...

    Many nights a week, late into the night...


    If they werent having sex... Then the earth isn't round.


    He had no respect for you or the relationship. He basically had 2 relationships at once.. and you let him... because you were afraid to confront him about it... You should just told him his behaviour was unacceptable, and broke up with him...


    Listen some people say having oppisite sex friends is fine... I think so to the point where you hang out with them with a bunch of friends, or at work, or something, but i don't think its right if you are in a loving caring relationship with someone to be hanging out with someone else, more then the b/f or g/f. It's all about respect.

  11. drop him, he's pathedicly mocking you because you will not go any further. If he truly liked you, he would not pester and make such a big deal about it.. just let things happen you know? but he doesn't care, he's just using you to get laid.


    Well all his friends know that I'm a virgin, and he's friend was like "I would never date a virgin" Thats so stupid, he was basically telling his friend that dating a virgin is no fun. Im so pissed off, and he wrote me a email telling me that he likes me and stuff, but he just thinks we are moving to slow and he likes attention. So, Im not sure what this means. Can this relationship be saved or not?


    Break up with him, dump him. We know you like him, but he has no respect for you or your values and wishes. And in time you will find someone who will respect you.


    No Respect = No Relationship

  12. i think its an indivdual's opinion on what is enuff...personally, looking at other people is ok, but activly flirting in a way that will send them the wrong idea, and give them intentions is not. Basically It really just goes to show how much respect you have for your significant other.

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