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  1. first off, i'm shy. it takes me about a full week of being around somebody for extended periods of time before i can really be myself around them. its strange, you'd think you would get better at meeting people as time moves on but i find it only more and more difficult. anyways. so heres my deal. I go to a local college, i am a HS senior, and i have back to back classes with this girl who im slowing falling for with each passing glance. i am 98% sure she likes me, i've over heard her talking about me in class, i see her trying to sneak peeks at me all day long. Its just that i dont know how to aproach her, i really dont have a lot of expierience, most of all my hookups and even meeting my past girlfriends involved a lot of liquor and me not remembering how the hell or what the hell we talked about or whatever that got her into me. its just im just supposed to walk up to her and start talking about random crap? i feel like it'll be just so random. and also shes like a 7.8 who is almost always with a 9, who is just stunning so that doesnt make it any easier. i've only said hi to her in the hallways on a chance pass by. its just so frusterating, i mean i have no problem with girls liking me, its just those first few steps i need help on. i dont know, any advice on what to say or do would be much appreciated.
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