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Posts posted by esboogie143

  1. First, I want to thank you ALL for ur responses, opinions and thoughts. I have to say just one thing...After I read my own post after it being posted i realized that I just get involved with the "wrong" guys. Wrong meaning that I continue seeing someone even after knowing that they DONT want a committment from the start but I continue it....In regard to my home and all the other crap , I couldnt care less about anything as long as i have food on my table BUT as i posted i just feel that im too much of a good woman for these bad guys but theres only one person to blame for that and thats ME! Bottom line the guys who I get involved with arent on my level and ready for that step that i want to take....nothing more nothing less....BUT i'll learn.....


    Thanks again!

  2. When dating for some reason I have learned that before having the guy come to my house he's soooo into me in every way....looks, personality , witts for they looooove these things aboout me but when they actually come to my home and see how I live I feel it sets them back. They know im very independent , make good money, beautiful car and its like it hits them.....These are guys with professions and all and this has been since i started the dating thing....its just sad to me that just because I will NEVER need a man they get intimidated....and mind u they stay calling and wanting to eat, meet up and all....OMG...How can I forget the main thing...they know im a good girl and i guess they are all "bad boys" and dont want to hurt me Any advise...?

  3. I met a gorgeous guy. Just simply sexy BUT like alwaqys it was too good to be true. He has an amazing body and I just wanted to ask....."Is ur body all natural"? He replied with "Do u want me to lie a bit or tell u the truth"? I said the truth and he laughed and said okay I use to take "Juice" for those of u who dont know thats stereoids...Anyhow....I just wanted to know how bad is that when being intimate w/someone who takes that? (NO im not intimate w/him but I was very curious....

  4. I haven't seen him for 2 months and then Riiiing went my phone last night at 12am. I have my phone with a special ring for him and when I heard that ring my heart started skipping beats. I answered it and he said that he was going to stop by real quick to drop off my camera that he had of mine. (He had just gotten off from work) I said okay fine. He was at my door within 5 minutes, I open the door and ALLLL the feeling arose. He looked sooooo damn good (like always) OMG!!! I didn't know what to do w/myself!!! I felt my eyes watering but controlled it. I just let out all of my feelings saying how much I miss him, our good times and the sex! He said yea the sex was good….I wanted him soooooo bad and I asked if I can see "him" him meaning u know what…he smiled and said u want to see him and I said yes…..he unbuckled his jeans and I went and pulled his boxers down and did what I wanted to do….he was in heaven as for I felt sooo horny and once I was done I felt within this is ur closure!!! While we engaged in a brief conversation he stated how he was going to Florida next week AGAIN! (Read my prior posts to fully know about this scenerio)…I then asked him are u sure u don't have a girl down there (which I asked him before) prior to me ending it…he was like u know my fam is over there…blah blah…he shot me down b/c once again I went w/my gut instinct that hasn't changed but the feelings I have for him emerged and I just hated that things had to be the way I put them. As long as I can call him and he'll be there im okay….as of right now omg how I wish he was ready for a woman like me….sooo sad!!!! I have sooooo much looove for him whether hes lied and whether he does have someone down there…..its just a feeling that I cant let go of…do u think that when I get involved with someone I will change the way I think of him???? And what makes it worse is that I do date but the guys I date are nice and all that but are not ready for what I want as well…..Just sooo sad! L

  5. If you love someone and you are too emotional around them (be it crying, showing love and affection), if that person doesnt share the same strong feelings, it WILL make them uncomfortable, and may even scare them away.


    Dont drown yourself in another guy, keep your identity and your own life. That way it takes the pressure off him to reciprocate.


    This is 100% TRUE!!!!! Trust me dont do it for I learned BIG TIME from making that MISTAKE! WHO I WAS SCARED HIM AWAY. I showed tooooo much love affection too soon. But thats okay, there will be that person who will come into ur life and will appreciate it all when given!! So think positive and remember no matter how long it takes that person is out there for u when u least expect it!! HAVE FAITH!!

  6. Im just very curious, are there people in this forum that are or have been in my situation. I ended a "dating relationship" w/ a guy amd it was b/c I was never going to get a committment out of him and to be honest I knew this from the start but since I "accepted" the situation it went on for 7 months too long. I gave him my all and he always told me that im a wonderful woman and that im such a sweetheart- blah blah blah, we really had good times but I just couldnt handle it anymore. He just wasnt the one for me I cried when I ended it nearly a month ago and I called him a few times and he answered 2x now he doesnt even call me or anything....what a waste of time...my gut instinct wasa right all along- my thing is y is he not trying to see me or talk to me??? He was just not the one right?

  7. Thank you all very much for such positive and encouraging advice. I appreciate it so much! Yes, I know I have to think of myself and take care of ME. Hes just fine with how things ended and couldnt care less so u know what I have to not care and keep my chin up and remain smiling tho at times inside im crying but I promise myself that I will stay strong!! (I have to type these things so I can read it and it can get through my head)

  8. I totally agree with you...BUT why (prior to us not being together) would he say that he was interested whenever I would ask? He was one that NEVER called for I was always the initiator for everything. He would always say that I was this wonderful woman, blah blah....whatever it was all just bull...why am I here crying about it tho ? I knew he wasnt the one for me from the beginning when I knew he didnt want a committment and I did but we kep on seeing one another until I called it off but ehy am I even regreting that I did so tho it was in the best interest for me ?

  9. What does it mean to you when you dont want to be aquainted with a girl anymore and she keeps on being persistent and pushing you to want her? Then what does it mean to you and how do ou feel when she stops the callling and the persistence and you got what u want after all? Do u reget pushing her away/ are u happy she left u alone???

  10. I feel so helpless and alone now that he is not here after I ended it for my own self worthiness. For the first time EVER I ended everything with the guy I was dating for 7 mths a couple of weeks ago and I don't know how to deal with it all. He wasn't the one for me and it was only going to get worse for me b/c I fell for him. I don't know why I regret what I did tho it was the best thing for ME! How do I gain the strength and the will power to overcome this and to overcome him not being in my life. I feel sooo lonely and everyday when I get home I just want to crawl into bed and sleep the night away….Please give me some advise on how I can better how I feel inside and how to suppress the anxiety L

  11. Continuation from my last post....I couldnt take it....lastnight I called him and (like always) he picked up...no, honestly i called once and left a message just saying that I wanted to say whats up and just to see what he was up to....he didnt call back...I then called back again 2 hrs later and it went to voicemail and as I was leaving a message he wsa calling me....I answered and I told him that he ws missed very much...I wanteed to say much more but I didnt dare to. I told him that maybe we can go out to dinner and he doesnt have to come to my house for I know it will feel a bit odd...(knowing that im into him) that point was not said to him for he knows already...anyhow he said def we can do that...but did not make any plans...just kept the option open....short convo but it just felt good when he called but i felt miserable once the convo was ova I dont know what im doing nonetheless what im doing to myself I ended this whole thing b/c he is just not for me for the reason that he doesnt want anything serious nor a committment....why do I do these things to MYSELF!!! It was bad that I placed the call...right?

  12. The Guy I Have Been Dating For 7 Months (not B/f) Are Not Seeing One Another Nemore...from The Start He Didnt Want A Relationship...so I Kept It Going Knowing That I Wanted One Itwent All The Way Till I Couldnt Do It Anymore Cuz I Fell In Love With Him....i Couldnt Help But To...2 Days Ago I Was Hysterical Crying To Him Telling Him That I Couldnt Do This Anymore And We Will Never Move Fwd But Always Stay In A Stand Still..theres Much More To This Story But Im Just Going To Get To The Point---he Says Im A Beautiful Person Inside And Out And Sucha Sweetheart...mind U I Was Cooking And Trreating Him Just Like A B/rf While He Was Just Having His Cake And Eating It Too....what An Idiot I Am Anyhow....now Im Soooo Heartbroken...do U Think He'll Call Me.? Would U Call A Woman That U Were Dating That Was Just Right But Just Couldnt Be In A Relationship Or Want A Committment....if She Cut It Off And Cried And Said She Fell For You And U Felt Like U Always Did That She Was A Great Girl So And So Forth...would U Call Her/see Her Ever? Would U Be Annoyed If She Kept Calling U Knowing Already That She Is Practically In Love With U And U Dont Want That? Im Sorry If This Sounds Confusing But Im Typing Whats On My Mind Right Now And Really Venting How Im Feeling... I Really Dont Want Him To Get Annoyed If Im Calling Him All The Time Or Asking To C Him After I Ended The Whole Seeing Each Other Thing For I Know If I Didnt Do I I Would Of Def Been The One Hurt And Crying At The End... Thoughts/opinions Please! Thanks Guys!!!

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