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Posts posted by Anxious_Heart

  1. I've become heartless, cold and angry, yet i don't know why, I got over a tough relationship with my ex girl and found myself angry. I was seeing other women after that but I could'nt care less about them. Lately at work i've been somewhat of an a..hole to my co-workers, I don't talk to the family much and don't really care much about my close friends problems.


    I know it's not because of the break up, I got over that, but I still feel like I failed as a man or a person in general, I'm unhappy with my life, I don't wanna be where I am, but i'm stuck, I support my sick parents financially, there are so many things I want and can't have, I feel alone but don't really want anyone in my life right now cause I don't wanna bring them down with me it's a dilemma I can't figure out, I know theres gotta be something I could do.


    I know i'm not depressed or in need of a shrink, I'm sure it's something simple...I hope

  2. In all honesty it's because he's a virgin, it's called performance anxiety it's his first time, theres a lotta pressure involved especially for a guy, you need to get a little more comfortable with him start slowly then work your wayup to sex, you need to make him feel as though it's ok and normal for a guy to be this way, and then in time it'll be alright

  3. you'd be surprised how a baby would suddenly change your life let alone your relationship, before she started acting all scandelous and distant i felt i wanted to be with her in that way, but towards the end i knew it was gonna end i just did'nt know why she was acting that way.

    Then after we break up she tells me why and of course it's to late. Before all the trouble near the end, we were a solid couple but things change and when they did i knew it was'nt gonna work

  4. Hey iceman thanks alot, i'm glad somebody finally understands, i loved her enough to wanna have a child together, and then i find this out and it killed me inside.

    I forget to tell you what else i said, this i kinda regret but at the moment i was to angry to care and i actually still don't care but i told her this "I hope you die alone, you don't deserve anyone you f......in phony"

    Thanks again iceman... to jecht

  5. I did'nt know she was pregnant, she aborted the baby without me having a clue she was pregnant in the first place.

    She lied to me then rubbed it in my face after we broke up, if i knew she was pregnant while we were together then i would've gladly worked it out and did what i had to do to make it work, don't get it twisted buddy

  6. I broke up with my girlfriend, near the end of the relationship she was acting very moody, and to be quite honest i could'nt trust her, we were together for two years and two weeks after the break up she calls me back wanting to talk again.

    We were talking at first as if everything was alright, like she wanted to get back together, but then she tells me shes talking to someone else and that the last three weaks of our relationship she was pregnant with our child which she then aborted after the breakup without my opinion. I had no idea she was even pregnant in the first place so i told her to f... off and i walked out on her, she's like "how could you just leave someone like that, after all we've been through, why can't we be friends, i don't wanna lose you". and thats something i'll never do, i'll never watch her be with another man and i won't keep it as friends, so do you think it was completey wrong for me to just leave without a goodbye and to never come back?

  7. Those feelings of lingering doubts sound familiar, i've been there but look at it this way, you made a decision to be with him, apart of that decision is trust, no matter what happens you have to trust him otherwise you could be wrong about your doubts and could ruin your relationship based on a hunch or a doubt.

    But on the other hand i've always learned to trust my instincts, and if there are too many doubts or reasons for you to feel as though somethings wrong, then you really need to find out for yourself whats really going on, you need to tell him how you feel and don't expect the answer to be what your thinking but pay close attention to how he answers and what he says, then you can make your decision with confidence, theres always ways to find out whether or not a person is lying, if you feel he's not being completely honest, then you better tell him, otherwise your gonna go crazy.

  8. Thats a good idea, don't know about the ice cream though, too many calories (jokes) I love the idea of strength, discipline and intelligence, being better than normal standards physically and mentally, but it's so hard to fnid the motivation and competition (which drives me) but while these things are'nt around i'll have to try your idea...thanks DN

  9. With finances, i'm saving to get an S.U.V but i keep wasting money on stupid things and going out when i should'nt, thats generally where my money goes. I've always been in shape, but at the same time, I've always lacked motivation, i'll wanna work hard one day then the next day I don't care for it.

    Same with school, I need to finish, i keep saying that but i never do it, i swear i must be genetic, but anyway, these kinds of mistakes hold me back, lack of motivation, and procrastination, I know what the problems are, i just don't know how to overcome them.

  10. What is it that causes a person to doubt themselves. why is it I doubt myself from succeeding in just about everything, I try hard to discipline myself to work hard, do school, stay physically and mentally strong, and move forward in life but i keep making the same mistakes and I keep falling behind in everything, if it's work or school which i have'nt finished or debt and especially relationships, i feel to insecure to get involved because i keep screwing up.

    So how do i overcome my own self doubt, and what causes it, any relation would be nice, I don't wanna feel like i'm the only one going through this cause i know i'm not.

  11. Personnaly I keep the ex girlfriends outta my life, i could'nt handle seeing them with another guy and i would most definitly try to get with her again, so i avoid the whole friendship thing completely.

    But in your situation, I think you should perform a couple of tests to satisfy your curiosity, by the way, it's very normal to have feelings for her again, i would to.

    You say she acts differently around you than any of your other friends would, well naturally that will happen, you two have shared more personal things together than most of your other friends, you two have that bond, whether your together or not. But it's very possible she may feel the same way you do, why don't you invite her over, watch a movie or just talk and see where it leads, of course nothings gonna happen when your on the computer, so take her to a place where you two shared something special, like a first kiss or first something else, try it, you'll know if she feels the same way.

  12. thanks to all of you for advice at this stage in my life i'm open to any words of wisdom and am willing to put them to the test, i agree with all of you. CLEVERME, your right about keeping it positive, i should concentrate on keeping negative thoughts outta my head and have a mind set of determination and persistance.

    RAYKAY, your very right about the gym, i go frequently, it helps very much and getting out, seeing friends or even talking about here makes me feel alot better, i was part of this site two years ago and asking as well as giving advice when i had problems with my now ex girlfriend, i appreciate this forum believe me.

    And RICHGABE, your right about taking things one step at a time, it's probably the best way to deal with things, otherwise my mind gets overloaded and things will fail.......thanks again, all of you...


  14. I work six days a week nine hours a day, i come home relax sleep and continue on. I just lost my girl of two years and am in debt seven grand, my dads really sick and my mother takes care of him so neither of my parents work, it's me who pays the rent, i just turned twenty by the way. My ex called me a couple weeks after we broke to tell about our child she aborted, (without telling me of course) and is annoying the hell outta me.


    I think of all this day in and day out, but i still have aspirations, i want to achieve things and i'm in the midst of it but i sometimes feel unsure, or self doubt, like i wanna do something but i'll think "naw i won't work out or what if i screw up" and it ends up happening, i screw up, so what causes this self doubt, why are people and myself so unsure of things? Is it my situation or lack of something or is it depression?

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