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Posts posted by chelsie

  1. i have been there 6 days in the hospital actully 2 hospitails i was 14 weeks along , it was the most painfull thing that has happened in my life , i hade to get a d.n.c the whole deal , i thought of it as it wasnt ment to be it happened in febuary and it still hurt so i hope all will be okay with you i know the pain that can bring one . let yourself grive cause if you dont you will break down , down the road. with the dnc if you do have it done they will put you to sleep and you wakeup about an hour later it dose not cause any pain after you have it done ..

  2. getting waxed dose hurt yes , but it also means you dont have to shave for awile which is good, i would get it done if you can handle alittle pain the spot dose get red and hurts for a bit i recommend if you are going to do it get it done a day or even 2 days before you go see him . will he expect it well i dont know but i dont think he will have a prob with it lol.

  3. hi i am so messed up. i found my boyfriend in dating websites talking to girls and talking about hooking up with them , well he started doing this when i went away for a week, and i fould a letter to a girl saying how much he missed her and was going to leave me and go see her i am so hurt i am six months prego i dont know what to do. plzz any advise. sorry if the typing is not that good bad day.

  4. okay i am 18 weeks prego my first one and i was wondering when is it normal to feel movement and i am kinda worried cause i havent felt any yet, and did anyone else feel verry dizzy around this time like when i walk i feel like i am going to faint. the last thing is i feel weird cause it seems like i am small for how far i am like my belly cause i am a small person like before.

  5. okay i was talking to my boyfriend about going to a friends place like 4 hours away for like 7 days. her mom is dying and she has like no one , and my boyfriend thinks she is a bad influence on me lol so he is like not letting me go, and me make a huge deal about it and pulls a guilt trip saying things like i wouldnt do that to you i just dont know what to say to him anymore,, HELP any advise of what to say to him.. or if going will make me a bad girlfriend.

  6. okay well here is the scoop i got hired at overwaitea on friday i didnt do well on the code test but they still hired me .. they gave me my paperwork and the whole deal and all my hours. i went to work my first shift today and they tell me i am not good enough like the test i took.. i didnt understand if it was bad then why did they hire me in the first place ... dose this sound reasonable to anyone cause it sure in the hell dosnt to me.. i am so angry.. should i like try to do something about this..

  7. hi ... i posted on here in feb when i lost my baby i was 13 weeks prego.. and now me and my boyfriend want to try again ,, well i think i already am pregnant again.. and let me tell ya i want this baby more then anything . but i guess i am so scared to loss this one my doctor says not to think that way but i cant help it.. first off is it bad to think that way and is it to early to try again .. cause if it happened again i dont know what i would do ..

  8. i just had gone through the same thing so i'm sorry for your loss i know how hard it is .. i never got any help for me and i wish i did. but usually if there is like a place you can go in your town to get counicaling (sorry if spelt wrong) or what i have heard of ppl doing is asking there doctor or the hospital..

  9. ya i think everything happens for a reason. but it seems like icry to much and i don't want to but it is like everything reminds me when i was in the hospitail i am glad my boyfriend put baby stuff awaw. is it normal to not want to try again???? to have a baby i just dont think i could go through this again

  10. yes it is hard to think of what could have been it is so upsetting to know that in the summer i would have had a baby but i look at it as it is better to have happened this way then to have something really wrong with the baby in the future, but my family has helped me alot i just needed advise cause it is something that i really dont know how to deal with it to well.

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