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Everything posted by leothelion

  1. I have been married for quite a few years(10+). I have 2 children. I have fallen in love my another woman. She was only a friend and now I cant stop thinking about her, yearning to see her or hear from her by a phone call. We talk almost daily. She has younger children (3), divorced. I am pretty sure if I was divorced that she would want to date me, be more intimate (physical). But she wont do that with any married man. I love her kids as they are my own. I really wanted to see her find a husband and now I am wishing I could be him. I dont want to break up my friendship with her. We have never even touched (hugged with one arm at most), just talked. And we talk about anything. I feel like she is my soul mate. I know this may sound like some infatuation. I am so confused. My wife and I are seeking counceling, but it is not helping much, we are SO different in every way. looking back, I married my wife, because she was the first one that accepted me and loved me. And honestly, I really liked her, but over the years, I see how different we are and how we can never as close and I want. I am devoted to her regardless. I dont believe in Divorce unless there is cheating. I have asked God to help me understand my feelings for my friend, and it hurts so bad to not be with her. Has anyone experienced this before?
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