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Everything posted by MiseryIsSoBeautiful

  1. Okay so I'm 21 and I've been dating this guy for almost 5 months now, but we're still not officially Boyfriend and Girlfriend. We've both been hurt really bad in past relationships so we wanted to take things slow. Well I like him a lot and after 2 months I was ready to be his Girlfriend. But whenever I mention it he says he just needs more time to be where he needs to be before he can make that commitment to be my Boyfriend and give me the amount of time and attention he wants to give me and that I deserve (we live 100 miles apart). So he told me if I needed to date other people he was behind me all the way and that he thought that I should make sure I only wanted to be with him so that once we become boyfriend and girlfriend there wouldn't be any doubts. I trust him a lot so I really don't think I have to worry about him having another girl. But he left for work in Florida 3 weeks ago and I met someone and now I kinda have feelings for this other guy... They both know about each other and tell me I should date both so that I can make an educated decision. Boy #1 says that he's willing to sacrafice his feelings to ensure my happinesss and boy #2 says he just really wants to have a chance with me. It's just hard cause the things I like about them are totally different. Like I like 2 basic kinds of guys and each of them represents one of those guys. Boy #1 is pretty boy over achiever work aholic non partier and boy #2 is X games loven motocross'n hard core party till we pass out boys just wanna have fun skater kind (which is a lot like I am). Both have good jobs and are super sweet. But it's like what do i do? Do I really date both at once? I'm scared of hurting someone wether it be one of them or myself. What do I do.
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