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Posts posted by 1strdko

  1. I was in the same situation. I told her how I felt and she wanted to only be my friend. Now she says I am her best friend and we have shared a lot of fun time together. I am realizing that I am not as attracted to her but still value her companionship.


    I would give her her space and you can take her responce in two ways.

    She either is not attracted to you now or she feels that getting involved will destroy such a good thing.


    Attraction may develope over time. A great friendship like a relationship takes a long time. There will be many awkward times but you can work through them together.


    Tell her you care for her so much that you will work through your emotions to remain friends because you cannot live with out her smiles in your life.


    Gool luck!

  2. Wait till you meet her. When you do you will know your answer. When a woman say she wants to be friends it means she thinks your great but not does not want to date you or she does not want to rune a great thing. Good luck!

  3. You must first let her know how you feel. If your friendship has a strong foundation you may get a responce that is suprising. If she still loves her ex boyfriend you need to be supportive and show that you care. I hate to sound cliche' but, be there for her when she needs you and give your relationship time to grow. It can still grow when she is in a new relationship. Do not try to break her up with her boyfriend if they get back together!


    Women love a man who listens and gives support. Women do not like jelousy!


    Good luck and Happy Holidays!

  4. You are very LUCK and Fortunate to have such a beautiful relationship. I think he is great guy and when you do have your first encounter it will be special. Dont rush it but learn about each other.


    Sex, today is not as highly regarded and it should be. It is a special connection that should be shared and icing on the cake after you get to know the special person in your life.


    Get to know each other and the Sex will be great! You have a beatiful thing going and I wish you the best of luck....Sweat heart!

  5. Working out and reading helped me through my divorce. I also found a balance of Autonomy and finding new friends.


    Time will cure your hurt and you should spend the time to make yourself a better person. Find all the ways you went wrong and learn how to correct them. Wear a smile and enjoy your autonomy, it is a chance to rebuild better stronger, healthier, and gaining new insights on what make women special.


    Good luck!


    P.S. Look into reading a book by John Gray ("Men are From Mars.....)

  6. To function and grow a flower need sun and water and in the same sense a child needs a Mom and a Dad.


    Children need stability, and function by learning special behaviors from both mom and dad.


    I am a single father of two boys 9 and 6. I have sole custody yet give my ex wife, who I have struggled to include in our lives, every opportunity to spend time with our boys. I have pushed to let her know that I want her to be there to raise our children.


    In short, If there is stability and love your child will function but don't bring a child into this world for selfish reasons. It may be due to the fact that you feel the clock is ticking but you dont know who may come around the corner so think it over and think of the angle that you will bring into this world first.


    Good luck....Sweet heart!

  7. Men are like moths, we are attracted to the seductive flame and many times are burned yet we always look for the superficial shell that Does not make a woman a woman.


    Take time to get to know her.


    It can start by approaching her a just saying "Hi, my name is _____ what is yours?"


    Dont pass on the opportunity to meet her and be yourself. I you get the opportunity to hang out with her take the time to ask lots of questions and LISTEN. Keep eye contact and first and formost thank her for the time she gives you and don't ever SMOTHER the girl.


    If she likes you will feel it if not on the first engagement but soon. If she just wants to just be friends dont get hurt but accept it as an invitation of learning about what makes women special.


    Good luck!

  8. You need to find yourself before you reenter the relationship. YOU ARE LOST and what you have done is not what people do to people they love.


    Take some time to find yourself and see if you really want to be in an uphill battle that will include your children.


    Get some counciling, with or without your wife. You have broken a very sacred trust in you relationship and you have also hurt and jepordized you childrens lives.


    If you love your wife you have to take it day by day and give her reasons to trust you. Trust will not be made in a day or year but if you love her you will build it and take all the drama that will come in stride. Dont look for sympathy of play the role of victim because you are to blame.


    Fight Fight and Fight more if you love your wife but when she needs to be alone let her be alone. Dont forget about your kids because they will always be there even if your wife does not want anything to do with you.


    Concentrate on finding what you want and maybe the best thing to do is to separate for a while.


    Most important Do NOT jump into another relationship, you have proven YOU ARE NOT READY FOR one!


    Good luck!!!!!!!

  9. I just told my friend that I have developed strong feelings for her and she told me in not so many words that we can only be friends.


    I gave her a nice hug on the cheek, as I always do, at the gym and she got upset. She told me that I need to know my limits. OUCH.


    I appologized and she told me that she was just starting to "trust me."


    I work out with every day and treat her like a goddes. I have taken her to nice dinners out and have been there for her at the drop of the dime when she has needed help. In some way I feel like she is using me because I go the extra mile to do nice things for her.


    For example, we had lunch with her grandmother and I was told that she was feeling sad, so I brought her flower. Her grandmother asked me how I picked out such beautiful flower and I told her I just thought about her granddaughter. I got another uncomfortable stare. OUCH.


    Needless, to say.....The advice I have been given was to play it by ear, tell her how you feel, accept the fact that you may only be friends and don't be an as and ruin what you have.


    I am accepting the fact that I may only be a good friend and a shoulder to cry on when my special friend is sad but I have to accept my role as friend. I am very attracted to her and find it hard to fight my feelings but her presense is a positive force in my life.


    Good luck!

  10. It is difficult for me to know what she is feeling. We sometimes look at each other and when our eyes meet I feel a connection. She told me "What would we do with out each other?" There are many things that she does that make me think she cares a bit more.


    I just DO NOT want to persue too much and lose this woman. She is an angel and I care greatly for her.

  11. I have known my friend for 3 years but we have both been in long term relationships. She still has strong feelings for her ex and I have just got over a divorce 8 months ago.


    She was there every step of the way and I get fulfillment out of making her happy. We work out together every day and call each other often. Our relationship has progressed from just working out to having dinner with each other and recently she came over and I cooked dinner for her. She also invited me to her Thanksgiving dinner.


    I recently told her that I have developed strong feelings for because a coworker asked her out on a date. I was advised that it was the best time to profess my feelings. She was a little shocked but told me that she has to deal with her feelings with her ex that she has been separated with for a couple of years.


    Her relationship with her ex is complicated. She was with him since the age of 16 and he was married to her sister. They split due to family conflicts but she still loves him.


    After my converstion with her about my intense feelings, I tossed and turned all night. I was happy to get a message next morning from her explaining that she needed a friend to talk to. I was there at the drop of a dime. She told me that she could not go on with the feelings for her ex.


    Now we still see each other and I have planned a 3 day engagement to Las Vegas for the both of us. She knows all about it and I feel she is just as excited as I am. What should I do? How should I persue this girl who is everything I want.


    I am 30 years old and the father of two young boys, 9 and 6, of whom I have sole custody. She is 23. Is there a chance? Please give me honest advice. My every beat of my heart brings thought of this beautiful woman.


    Thank you!

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