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Posts posted by weatherbuff1

  1. Thats where I think you're wrong. She has ALWAYS Told me to go after the other girl, and that she wasn't worth it. Once she admitted to being intereted still when she was single and i was willing to end things with another girl, and she told me not.


    I don't think shes scared of loosing things. I understand that at the ages of 17 and 19, long distance relationships aren't ideal. I dont blame her.

  2. So this is not your typical i fell in love with my best friend story.


    I am currently 17, a HS Jr. I met a girl 2 years old than me back when i was in 8th grade. Had an initial attraction, talked of dating but it never happened. I think i was still too young to really know what I wanted, and she was a little more mature. At that age, the age gap is a big deal when the girl is older I think. Whatever the case..


    We have remained friends. And over the past couple of years have become best friends and as she put it.. soulmates. Feelings for her that I have, have only grown. She has kept feelings for me too. We hit a rough patch, but worked through it. We always talked of the DAY we'll be together. But it never seemed to work out. she always had somebody, or i had somebody. And thats okay.


    I moved out of state earlier this year, and we survived that. I actually was lucky and because of other circumstances we moved back! SHe was my Only friend to support me through it all. I love her for it. But ive always remained in love with her and she knew it. She knew that if she said the word she could have me, but always admitted she would realize it when it was too late. But she was never cruel and ALWAYS told me to move on, and follow my heart to other girls.


    She came out of a tough break up earlier this year and ive been there as a best friend despite my feelings. And she knows that. And we've talked about our feelings and she knows she still has them. Well, recently she found out that her parents are probably moving. Because she is only 19 and goes to community college still, its about her only choice to move with them. (Ironically they are moving about 50 miles from where I moved away too earlier this year).


    She realized through this time frame that she wanted me. She isnt happy here and looks at moving as an oppourtunity but also wants me. She did say though a long distance thing isnt do-able for her. I understand that. For me, if she were willing, i would have. And I almost want to. But it hurts. I feel like this maybe the end? Are there ANY Options? Sure we'll ahve our friendship.. but its not the same. After ALL we've been through this time it REALLY HURTS. I WANT To be with her, and she wants to be with me, yet we cant be? I love her as my best friend.. but Im in love with her too and thats always been there.


    Where do i go from here? Of course I know to support her moving. I think it will make her happy. I think we maybe able to survive long distance, but i know she doesnt see it that way, and i understand given our ages. Im just.. it hurts. Any advice?


    By the way, we will be living about 500 miles apart. 8 hour drive. 50 minute flight.

  3. I dont always end letters the typical way with Sincerely, or Love type thing. You could end it with a brief sentence explaiing your so glad to be in a relationship with her, and wish her the best of luck.


    Just an idea.

  4. Okay, So I dont know if this is even the right forum, but I figured this would probably be the right place.


    I am 15, My brother will soon be 20, his girlfriend will soon be 19. My brother lives at home still. And is just starting some college courses, b.c he had planned on joining the marines but that fell through. My brother and his girlfriend have been dating for almost 2 years now, and My brother's Girlfriend is pregnant and Due in December. (I personally never liked the girl prior to all of this, but that is besides the point).


    When the news broke, my parents were accepting. But her parents flipped. Especially her mother. Her mother instantly wanted to put the baby up for adoption as soon as she was born and that would be that. She is basically trying to erase this from her daughter's history. My brother however isnt as sure. And doesnt feel like on the inside he can accept letting his child go through that. He at the least is open to other ideas. And possibly trying out fatherhood before nessecarily signing the baby over for adoption. My parents are willing to support him no matter what, and will give him whatever support is nessecary.


    It is almost assumed that despite His girlfriend's lack of commenting she will just sign her rights as a mother over, mostly because of her mother, I assume. They have already contacted an adoption agency, and are ready to begin looking at families. However, my brother isn't.


    I personally disagree and feel like this isn't the greatest of descisions but I know that I agree with her mother. Feeling as if Adoption is the best answer. My parents said if adoption was the way my brother wanted they would prefer if they tried to make it more private. I personally feel as if this isn't the right choice. While my brother will have a steady job, and be able to get help finically from state funded daycare and such, I just feel as if adoption is the better answer, but have no voice to say it.


    I am not sure If I am being greedy In feeling that well, if he keeps the baby it lives here and becomes a factor in my life. But the reality is i am affected by the descision either way. I want to support my brother but I just cant the way Im looking at it right now. I dont know IF i should voice my opinion or If im just feeling this knowing how it affects me. I do realize that in three years I can separate from all of this when I will graduate, but I want to try to be supportive and just don't know how else to look at it. Because the reality is, my brother is probably going to wind up being a single father.


    Any advice is greatly appreciated.

  5. I dont think any 15 year old is but the fact is its happening. One thing im amazed by is the difference between some 15 year olds. Look at this board, we have some posting about their first kiss and others about how to finger their Gf the right way..

  6. If worst comes to worst seems like you have what you wanted in March a friendship. Take it from there.


    Give yourself this week to clear your thoughts and once she gets back if you still feel like talking to her call her, see how her trip was.. ask if she wants to go get a bite to eat or a drink and see what happens from there.

  7. As a guy, i dont nessecarily see it as being the greatest turn on, but I'd be lying if i said didnt like the thought of it. I don't know what it is about it though, and I mean there are guys that REALLY go CRAZY over this stuff as we know. Maybe its the thrill? The thought of double action? I dont know.. It's a good show that like you've all said for attention.

  8. Yes, a little weird.. But maybe something to do with being friends? Is it a good friendship that she may not want to loose b.c sex can sometimes ruin relationships like that.


    Or is it a flirtatious friendship that sex makes more sense in? If thats the case then its weird..

  9. It's a tough thing at the age of 13, no doubt. I had mine at the age of 13, in 7th grade, with a 14 year old girl who had kissed other guys before..


    I waited a long time, but when the moment was right i was nervous as hell, made my move nd it turned out to be a great time for it. Fact is, at thirteen, just use ur judgement.. If you think its a good time.. try.. see what happens.

  10. I often lately have been finding myself making execuses to get out of social things (hanging out with my friends, going to the movies and such). It's not that i always do it, but there have been times when i'd radther spend my Friday night alone then out with my friends. And its not like i didnt have the oppourtunity to make plans. I just chose not. I know we all need time alone, but what's the line when your a high school Student?


    Its not like i have social issuesI have many friends and I'm happy with the relationships i have with them, because they are strong, I just want to know am i wrong for wanting TOO much time alone and lying to get out of making plans?

  11. Try passing an ice cube back and fourth..


    Or stare at eachother for as long as you can and as close as you can without actually making out.. eventually one of you caves in and makes a move, and so the loser really isn't loosing, and the making out is usually better then.

  12. Let him know. Let him know its okay to put his hands elsewhere on you... Give him some signs, and let him know what feels good too when he does. Put his hands on you if you want.. Lead him on, so he knows it is okay. Giggle or make a moaning noice while making out to let him know you like it.

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