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Posts posted by 69_king

  1. I really cant give details about your orgasm becasue well i'm a man, mabey a woman can help you out a bit more.


    apparently its been scientifically proven that, on average, the female orgasm is about 10 times stronger than the males.

  2. yes, I've done it until we both climaxed. Its easy in a swimming pool when you only have bathing suits on although maybe you don't want to do it in a public pool


    I have a question:

    I'm 25 and if I was going out with someone my age would she think its weird if I wanted to do that with her?

  3. Well, it seems that jealousy is big amongst teenage girls. So they see their friend with this guy and then they want him just because they want what their friends have.


    Are you saying that nice and shy guys don't reproduce? That is kinda funny you know.


    No, I was saying that the aggressive apes stood a better chance of ensuring the survival of the species (ever see 2001?) and so, the way evolution works, over millions of years the female apes would evolve to desire this type over the more gentle kind. And those genes are still present in the modern woman. Of course, also due to evolution, the only thing guys want with genes is to take them off.

  4. When are people going to get the message? Your inside and your outside are not 2 separate entities. They are connected. Your inside controls (to an extent) the appearance of your outside. Your skin doesn't dress itself, your hair doesn't cut itself.


    What I'm saying is that your appearance (clothes, etc) can, not always, but can tell a lot about the person you are inside. Or about your feelings.


    For example: if I was going out on a first date with a girl and she showed up wearing a baggy sweatshirt, old jeans and messy hair, I would be wondering if she liked me at all! because I can't imagine anyone who is going out on a first date with someone they really liked who would not be spending a lot of time beforehand making themselves look good.

  5. 1)I guess you can pull out and switch to giving her oral for a minute and then go back to intercourse. Also, I guess masturbating just before would work. Once I tried masturbating twice in a row and the second time took forever but the orgasm wasn't as good.


    2)A sudden intake of breath, arching of the back, tightening of the muscles, and some sound effects to go along. You can tell if she's faking the sound effects.


    3)see 1 above. you can probably do it twice in a row if you wait maybe 10-15 minutes in between.



    Now I have a question. If you want to make sure a girl cums when you are having intercourse do you need to rub her clit? its not that easy from some positions.

  6. One of my co-worker's friends came through my shop one day as a customer and the next day my co-worker said that her friend thought I was cute. My first reaction was to dismiss it. I figured to myself that since no girl has ever expressed any sort of interest in me or even just given me a simple complement, what are the chances of her actually liking me? Especially since we never really talked. (All I did was cash out her invoice.) I figured that the comment was most likely made in a joking or sarcastic manner. It seemed like just one small anomaly in a long history of disinterested girls.


    No it probably wasn't a joke, like how do you think the subject came up?

    Do you think your co-worker just out of the blue asked her friend what she thought of you, and she politely or sarcastically said you're cute? No. that is unlikely. It sounds like an actual compliment to me.


    That bunny does have a 1 on his chest. So of course that makes his very much repeated statement that everyone has had more sex than him false


    No its still true, even though he's had it once, every has still had it more, like some of those bunnies have had it over 2000 times !!!


    I can admit that , technically, I am a virgin at 25 but its not so bad for me because I have been seriously intimate quite a few times just I've never had intercourse. Which is fine by me, I love doing all the other stuff and there's less worries.

  7. Women arent attracted to what jeans you wear. They are attracted to the man inside those jeans.


    Thats true, yet the clothes one wears can tell a lot about them and their personality.


    Like, you see a guy wearing baggy jeans, a basketball jersey and a hat upside down and backwards and you can kind of tell that he might be a little different personality to the guy wearing smart, stylish clothes and a nice haircut.


    The Ladies like confidence?? Well, clothes are a huge sign of confidence.



    What kind of girls are you interested in? What do they wear? What would be the male equivalent of those clothes?

  8. my feeling in this type of situation is: If she wants to go out with me she will call. If she doesn't call that means she doesn't want to go out with me and thereforeeee I don't want to go out with her so I don't care. But then I can't stand it after a few days so I'd end up phoning again but that would be the absolute last time.


    So I'd say wait a day or two and phone one last time.


    Well i discovered once u really like some1 they become physically more attractive to you....dnt kno why jus happens....



    YES, Thank God for that!


    Although, if the girl is really, really hot, like the first time you see her you almost fall over or something then she will tend to look a little more average with time, I guess because you become desensitized to her. But average girls do definitly become more attractive.


    Also, I find as soon as a girl says something nice to me or does something nice for me she automatically becomes more physically attractive. Its probably a trick that your mind plays on you to tell you that she is someone worth going after.

  10. 5 dates with 5 different girls in one week ?? I can't relate to that. You probably will hurt somebody somehow doing that stuff, not seriously but its still not nice. I think it might be better to get to know these girls a little more rather than throwing them away after one date. As for being alone, I guess it can be weird after a long relationship, but millions of people are alone, don't be scared of it, its not forever, and try not to use people to fill your void.

  11. Holy, there are millions of different opinions on this matter but for me:


    Physically, I find that my eye catches girls who are just slightly chubby, not fat, but nicely rounded, soft, you know? usually these girls are between 5' and 5'8".


    Smoking turns me off right away. First of all, intelligence is important to me in a girl and no intelligent person can smoke.


    I don't really like tattoos, I mean a small one is OK, but a big one up her back is just a little too much I think.


    on the inside I am attracted to girls who are intellectual and kindness really turns me on for some reason.


    cuteness (in and out) is bigger to me than magazine cover beauty.

  12. apparently its because of some primitive subconscious inborn urge going back to when we were all apes and for some reason it was the ape who banged his chest loudest who was the best candidate for reproduction. Just like why guys like girls with large boobs because they had the best facilities for bringing up the young.


    its inborn and we can't control it (at least its really difficult)

  13. My prob is I always think of something really funny or , with girls I think of the right thing to say, but its always just a few seconds too late. And I think of some really funny things so I have to keep them to myself and hope that the topic comes up again because the timing is very important. Anyway, that works quite often, and sometimes I'm able to set it up myself, knowing the punchline already.

  14. Now tell me, why are you "out of her league?"


    well, thats not really what i mean, it's bad wording I guess, its like either she's already got a boyfriend or she's got completely different interests or basically, what I really mean is she is in a different league, neither higher nor lower. Like a 16 year old goth is in a different league but I don't want ot go out with her anyway.


    I think I'm confusing myself now. Ok, there is not a girl I would like to go out with who I could not go out with if she was available and liked me.

  15. I was that same guy when I was in High School, didn't change until University. So if I were in that situation:


    What i am asking is will he ever come out and tell me that he likes me? not unless you somehow brought the subject up or gave him some clear sign


    and does he want me to talk to him when he stands behind me or next to me or where ever he might be definitely yes


    P.S he gets really jelous when i talk to guys which a lot of my friends r guys so i just dont know if these guys aren't in his "crew" then that will be really tough on him



    Basically, if I were him then I would love to go out with you but I would have absolutely no idea what to do and I would be a little intimidated by the other guys you talk to. You need to initiate something, like, for example, asking him to help you with your homework.

  16. I can only say from my own perspective, but I think lots of people are like this, I am only really shy with people I don't know. I'm perfectly sociable and outgoing with my friends. Once you have exchanged a few words with someone it becomes much easier, its just starting it off that is the hard part.


    So, someone who is having these problems may not go after someone they like but if they really, really like the person they will usually get around to it, hopefully not too late. It always helps to have a few drinks first (only if you are old enough though )

  17. One thing's for sure, no one wants to date someone who goes around saying how unhappy he or she is. (That's a general thought, not directed to anyone on this board.) Anyway, just my opinion.


    I don't know, some people might feel the need to help someone like that and might want to try to make them happy. Then again, I wouldn't suggest that as a strategy for trying to attract someone. But it could work with some people.

  18. ...but said she had kissed about 8 guys, is that a normal thing to say when shes lying on top of me?

    The first time I went down on a girl (same girl I lost my virginity to) she told me that she planned on being a lesbian for a year in college.

    I didn't really know how to react to that, so I didn't really say anything. I had just finished going down on her, and it was the first thing she said; I was a little shocked.


    That sounds to me like it might have been some kind of joke.

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