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Everything posted by bleedingorange

  1. OK! Here's what happened...... she basically told me she still wanted to date me, but said that I never call. Most of the time she wasn't home, she was at work or something. I called quite a bit and out of fear I was bothering her and thinking she was just too nice to say so, I kinda slacked up on calling. Well. I didn't think that was the problem. I'm not sure exactly when I'd be calling enough or too much though. lol.
  2. Ok, this is a long story that kinda ends in a bittersweet way. I don't know if I still have a chance with this girl or not and I'd like to know for sure. Opinions and advice is what I need and I need it now! ^_^ I found this girl whom I've been friends with since the beginning of the school year. One day she sat with me in my seat at school and people asked us if we were going out. She said, nope.... just me and daniel. But I thought about it and realized I'd love to date this girl! So this all happens literally DAYS before christmas break and she gives me a Christmas card and says we should hang out, but I am stupid and shy and instead of asking for her phone number or something I leave it at that and spend two weeks without seeing her at all. Two weeks pass and Christmas break is over and she tells me she missed me. I say the same and we go on being friends. I finally get up the nerve to ask her out but she's always working when I'm not and finding a day when we're both not busy is hard. I asked her out by saying "wanna do something this weekend?," and she said sure. I do it a few more times and kinda give up after never working out our schedules very well. Well, then one day I got it in my head that she might be avoiding me and not really want to date me at all. So I asked her straight out if we'd ever get to do something together and if she really wanted to. BIG MISTAKE!!!!! STUPID ME!!!!! She said something to the effect of "Your always calling me when I'm at work and when I'm doing something and I can't help it if I'm busy. You expect me to just get up whenever you call and go!" ..... pause "I don't even really have to work, I just do it because I want to" after many apologies from me ..... and very sincere one's at that..... she kinda got over it and we were friends again. Boy I felt stupid because friends of mine told me that was the right thing to do. It obviously wasn't. Then she kinda started treating me differently. Like she didn't really like me "in that way," anymore. It went like that for awhile. UNTIL.... On valentine's day. Well, not really ON Valentine's Day. She wasn't at school that day. But the next week I gave her a Valentine (just a card) that I had that said something like this: "Your friendship is good for my heart and soul. Happy Valentine's Day to the cutest, sweetest, most wonderful person I know." Immediately afterwards she started treating me like she used to treat me. Which makes me think she's liked me all along and that she probably was starting to think I didn't like her back. It was kinda funny when I told her I had something I wanted to give her on Valentine's Day because I had given her a sucker that day (she loves those for some reason) and she just went "Another sucker?" Anyway, she's kinda a big flirt and lots of guys flirt with her all the time. Which makes me a little jealous and sometimes makes me think maybe all this time it was just innocent flirting and she never liked me to begin with. Well...... I am on a team with her in a video technology class at school and I have to see her every day. Every time I look in her eyes or hear her voice saying my name I just go weak at the knees for this girl. Dunno why. I still really want to ask her out, but after all my botching up that I've done since I've met her, I get the impression that she might never want to date me now. Her sister obviously noticed I like her, because her sister kinda gives me a weird wink from time to time. I still don't know really what that's all about. How can I re-approach her now? I've waited nearly a week as of today since I've given her that Valentine, just acting like a good friend. ....... sometimes I feel like maybe I'm out of my league. I'm not the best looking guy in the world. She could probably do better than me. I feel like maybe I'm the only one who doesn't see that. Love is blind. lol. And I know that with my past crushes so was I.
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