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Posts posted by koremi

  1. I've been with my boyfriend for 7 months.


    I'm starting to feel itches.

    I just spent an hour or so with another of my guy friends, and it was weird, it felt like I was alive again. I had little crushy butterflies and such, but I knew if I did anything, I'd screw up an amazing relationship, and it wouldn't last anyway.


    I compare it to the kid getting a new toy analogy. The honeymoon phase.


    The happy, crazy, hormonal phase of bliss.


    I never really had a honeymoon phase with my boyfriend, for the first month I was in love with someone else and he was getting out of a bad relationship. He put me back together emotionally. I'm so comfortable with him, and we've even talked about these itches. I told him right when I got home. I don't want to screw it up.


    I can leave a good, trusting, healthy relationship for an impulsive jump for sex, or "love", when it's really just infatuation. I hope.


    I can't get off during sex, or while recieving oral sex. I only can by myself. I just don't find him sexually appealing. I see him more as a companion now. I don't like it. I want to spice things up.


    I don't want to leave what's probably the best possible thing for me right now on an impulse. It's either trust and warmth, or mystery and sex. I want to combine the two. It's just getting too comfortable. I keep having more and more itches. I want to fix that. Should I go with the impulses...or ask for a month-long break.....or keep trying to work things out? Everything I've said here we've already talked about, for the communication's sake. If we try, we can. I just don't know what to do.

  2. I can't orgasm.


    I have tried, and I know that if you're trying, then it probably won't happen. Bur I relax, and I go at it for at least 20 minutes, I've tried everything, clitoral stimulation, G-spot, everything, I can't orgasm.


    I don't know if I am and I just don't know I am, but everyone says "you'll know", and I don't. It's supposed to feel great, but all I get is this "I can't take it anymore" kind of overwhelming feeling where I kind of lurch, I can't tell if I'm doing it myself or not. And then I'm just tired and depressed, like I could go some more but I can't. If it is an orgasm, then why don't I like it?


    My boyfriend and I are very, very open about this, and he's tried everything, but he just doesn't know what he's doing. I told him I'd been faking it and he understood, and he feels bad that he can get off but I can't.


    I don't know what to do.

  3. I'm one of those teenage poster children for "love sucks". My whole life, I've watched everything I knew fall apart because of it, and now I'm falling head over heels and I don't want to get hurt. It's the one thing about my life I can't control....


    Michael and I have been best friends for three years, since 8th grade. We're sophomores now. I've watched him grow into himself and vice versa, except I've done a little more fooling around than he has. He's never even kissed anyone, let alone been in a relationship. Honestly, I've never been in a real relationship, the only times I allowed myself to do anything was when I was desperate, realized I wasn't getting what I wanted, and ended things after a week. I've never had anything longer than a week.


    I've spilled all of my problems out onto him, and he's seen me go through everything, my parents' divorce, being hospitalized as a suicide case, me questioning my sexuality, everything personal that I wouldn't want a potential date to know. But I guess that's better that he knows me, but is it too intimidating?


    I'm naturally a very outgoing person, and it tends to intimidate people. Especially guys like Michael with zero experience. I know that he's kind of afraid of me. I don't want to scare him off.


    Recently, we've been spending a lot of time one-on-one, walking around at night, getting to know each other again, because we've been drifting. I don't know if he feels the same way about me than I do about him, but I want to do something about it. I will risk losing our friendship, there's no doubt about that, because it is dwindling, and frankly, I couldn't be friends with someone I'm falling in love with knowing that nothing would ever happen. (See how this could be potentially intimidating....?)


    I just want some advice for a smooth way to get things going a little. This Friday I'm taking him out to the woods by this creek(we live in a city and I found this pretty place, and I'm an artist, and I was going to sketch a little and he's coming along) and having some kind of picnic-like thing. It can't be like normal teen bull, the "going out" status symbol, even we've discussed that to each other. It has to be real, and I just want to know how to handle someone like him and help get things going a little.


    (Like, he's been getting beaten down in soccer and I'm good at back rubs, and all this other stuff that I don't know how to initiate.)



  4. Hey, I have a boyfriend and I did all the work in terms of making it happen...I asked him out because I knew he was attracted to me but wouldn't do anything. I wish he could be confident and a little less shy. I don't want to change him, I just want to make him feel better and more comfortable. How can I help him like this? What do I do/say?

  5. I've had same sex crushes since I was 5 years old. I wasn't interested in guys until about age 8, and then got back onto girls at about 13. I go in cycles. Except now I'm almost all the way girls, I'm not going into what I fantasize about but I'll tell you that I do. I have NO outlets. I'm not talking to my mother, because she asks me stupid questions and DOESN'T BELIEVE ME. She thinks its a phase. She says she believes me but doesn't want me to go to a LGBT group(which I DESPERATELY want to go to) until I "know for sure" and is taking this recommendation from my shrink. I understand that, but I've been sure for years. She just thinks its another phase. She thinks it was caused by my father(whom she hates and is an a**hole to begin with) who imprinted on me that men were bad and made me think they were bad. I understand this too, but it's CRAP, and she won't listen to me. I have a gay friend and a gay teacher. That's it. I have nobody else to talk to who understands. I talk to my gay friend sometimes, but it doesn't work that well, and I'm not wasting time with my teacher, and maybe he would understand, but it would be awkward as hell. I'm desperate for someone or something to talk to that BELIEVES me and doesn't take this as a phase and could HELP me find someone somehow...help?

  6. argh



    I've never had a date with anyone I liked. I've been rejected every single time. And I don't know what my stupid problem is. But I'm alone all the time and I hate it so much, I hate it when people won't reject me to my face and play stupid games with me. This girl is doing that. Everyone does that. Nobody will respect me. Nobody.

  7. OK. It's me again


    This girl.....has been flirting with me nonstop all the time... This is a classic stupid question...but she's more friendly than a normal straight girl and I don't know how to go further! AARRGH! I'm scared to ask her anything because I've never done anything like this before o.o and I'm losing sleep.


    Where's a good place I could ask to take her? Like the mall? Or the movies? I don't like either of them....where's a good place? o__o

  8. I'm 15 and have admitted to myself that I am bisexual and have been for my whole life. I thought it was normal to like girls as a child...and I didn't really label myself until I put the pieces together and said OH! I'm bi! Well, I need someone to talk to about it. Somebody who actually knows what I mean---I've told some of my straight friends and they dont mind but i need some kind of a counselor who IS bi or gay or something. How can I find groups in my area? Do I have to tell my mother? I tried a year back and she dropped it as a phase and asked me disgusting questions and embarrassed me. She didn't get it. I need to find someone who does. How can I do this?

  9. See, I've tried to show him some art, but he had to go....and I asked him for a health book today and guess what? He had to go! (well I had to go too, but I didn't care about being late, but he's the criminal....) *sigh*

  10. I'm so sensitive. This is the first real kind of ANYTHING that has happened to me.


    I was at the movies with my friend and this guy from school sees us and goes back towards the doors. I had seen him at school and kinda liked him. He is talking to his dad or something and he points up at us. I'd never met him...I kinda waved, he came up and sat by me. He put his number on my phone and held my hand and stuff....the first time we met. I'm REALLY paranoid and twitchy and odd....and I don't trust people easily, but we had this really sweet conversation and other stupid crap.


    I call him, not there, he calls me back and we talk for like 2 minutes, he has to go. I talk to him at school. He has to go. No smile. No NOTHING. He has to go. He ALWAYS has to go. What just happened to me? He acts like he doesn't know me. He's an artist, and I am too, and all these people tell me things about him...like one girl said "he's nice" and another guy said "he's trouble..." but I'm obsessing over it because no guy has really taken interest in me before...

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