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HeLlO i LuV yOu

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Posts posted by HeLlO i LuV yOu

  1. My x-b/f was like... the most perfect and wonderful guy in the WORLD. He ALWAYS made me soooo comfortable and so.. beautiful and perfect. Just when I was sitting by him, I felt sooo wonderful! Omgosh.... I luved him sooooo friggen much! And, last night he broke up with me.... I wasnt sure if it was possible to actually feel ure heart break right in half.... It was possible last night... U kno, I dont even kno why he broke up with me!! Im not sure if there is something wrong w/ me...?... It was sooo randome! Because, we stared off so great that day!!! I mean, he was talking to me as if he RLY RLY RLY luved me like he use to!! I mean, some of the most RANDOME things came out of his mouth... LIke, he told me to shut up and he was like sqrew u and forget u! And I just hurt sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! I was cring for like.. well... EVER last night!! My eyes are still red from crying... I hurt sooo much last night, that I just wanted to D I hate boys now... well.. not all of them!! I hope u get what I mean! Soo, what should I do?! I keep on playing this song over and over again becuase it reminds me of him, and tears just keep falling down from my face... I have NEVER hurt this much over a guy!!! whats should I do???





  2. I am so hurt right now... my mom and dad just split up. For, I have never liked my dad. My hate for him raged over anything else in the world! But it still hurts... and I dont even kno y! Maybe its the fact that he has been cheating on my mom and might marry another woman....

    If your parents have EVER broken up or divorced, i kno u kno how it feels!! can u help me??




  3. Im only 13, so dont b 2 critical.. actually, scratch that! Tell the blunt truth! (((BTW!! This isnt my BEST poem! *believe me! ITS NOT!* I just like it alot and its my most recent!)))


    I Hate You so Bad.

    By: me


    I see your face in my dreams,

    This hell is harder than it seems. I

    hear your voice in every thought,

    you left my heart right there

    To rot.


    The tears of sorrow fall right

    befor you, in fear that there might

    not be another tomarrow.


    The battle of sin and lies starts

    of rage in my mind. In a

    Place that you will never find.


    Brush away, take today. The bruises

    On my heart, the pain shown

    through my art, and the death that

    comes when a thought of you is in my head.

    You just wishing that i was dead.


    I will never be able to show the

    hate towards you, for

    You will never be vaige enough

    to listen. So take my mind

    And take my sole, for you will never be

    able to fill this whole.......




    A life without a life

    By: me


    All my life Ive lived

    With a hole

    Just buried in my heart.

    Nobody got it through

    my art of silence

    and pain. Though there was nothing

    To gain, the rain still

    thrashed down on the dark cold

    ground. The tears

    Still fell right before you, but

    You just looked away.


    The light of a new day is always

    ruined with dark silence.

    The light of the candle, always

    fades away. Every time

    I try to spread my wings and fly

    away, Im always held back

    by your rage and haitred. I try to

    break free, but nobody

    can see my life without a life.




    ^I hope u liked them!! so tell me what you think!^





    P.S. If you want to kno, those were both about my dad

  4. thankyou, but... my other poems are like... deeeeeep.... If you would like me to share some more you can email me at email removed





  5. Im not very good cuz im only 13.... But, PLLLLZ tell me how u like em!!


    The Pain

    BY: ME


    The moon covered by the sorrowfull

    Clouds. And the sun hidden

    Behind my tears of which I cry

    each night.


    My heart weaps at the thought of

    you and how you hurt me inside. How you made

    me hide my face from the world.

    I spill my guts, but my heart shall never be

    Mended. And yet, you will never see

    The permenant bruises and scares that left.


    You never understand the pain that you

    put me through for all of these

    years. You shall never care about the hell Im going

    through now. I could cry all night and you

    wouldnt show a sigh of saddness.


    The rain still thrashed before you. My tears

    still fell like a water fall,

    but you just looked away. Like as if your

    own daughter wasnt there.


    I will never forgive you for what you

    Have done. Not a word of

    Sorror will be shed for you. Im done with everything

    That i have given up. But most of all, Im

    Done with you.


    ^That won me a skewl contest^


    A life without a life

    All my life Ive lived

    With a hole

    Just buried in my heart.

    Nobody got it through

    my art of silence

    and pain. Though there was nothing

    To gain, the rain still

    thrashed down on the dark cold

    ground. The tears

    Still fell right before you, but

    You just looked away.


    The light of a new day is always

    ruined with dark silence.

    The light of the candle, always

    fades away. Every time

    I try to spread my wings and fly

    away, Im always held back

    by nothing explainable. I try to

    break free, but nobody

    can see my life without a life.



    Abigail Hannah Read


    Copyright ©2004 Abigail Hannah Read


    ^That one won me a state wide contest^


    The Loss.

    As I walk down the rain-slick road

    I'm lonely, wet, and cold,

    for I have a friend that

    I may never hold.

    She has a new friend.

    She abandoned me in a

    dark, dark place,

    and left me there to cry.

    Not just me but

    everybody that she knew.

    But much, much worse ...

    she didn't say good-bye.



    ^and that one won me a class contest in the 1st grade^


    Please tell me how u like it! Or, if you dont!! I have so much more!! Most alot better than these. lol.





  6. Im not feeling to good about myself today... I rarely do... Im always so upset. So i wrote some. i have a whole lot of notebooks filled w/ my poetry, but here are some of my favorites:


    This poem won me a really big poem contest... Hope you like it... I wrote it when I was 12. (((Just last year)))


    A life without a life

    BY: ME


    All my life Ive lived

    With a hole

    Just buried in my heart.

    Nobody got it through

    my art of silence

    and pain. Though there was nothing

    To gain, the rain still

    thrashed down on the dark cold

    ground. The tears

    Still fell right before you, but

    You just looked away.


    The light of a new day is always

    ruined with dark silence.

    The light of the candle, always

    fades away. Every time

    I try to spread my wings and fly

    away, Im always held back

    by your torment of hell. I try to

    break free, but nobody

    can see my life, without, a life.


    ^not that good... oo well...^


    I wrote this one when I was in the 2nd grd... haha... people thought I was going to kill myself! (((yet, I didnt kno that I could... )))


    The Loss.

    BY: ME


    As I walk down the rain-slick road

    I'm lonely, wet, and cold,

    for I have a friend that

    I may never hold.

    She has a new friend.

    She abandoned me in a

    dark, dark place,

    and left me there to cry.

    She left me there to die!

    Not just me but,

    everybody that she knew.

    But much, much worse ...

    she didn't say good-bye.




    I just wrote this one, but it isnt very good!


    Take me off the bridge

    BY: ME


    I cant see the light. Im in the dark.

    I can feel you, but I cant see

    You. The pain is shooting up my body.

    I can feel it in my spine.


    You tell me that your mine, but thats

    what you always say.

    You tell me that you dont mind, but I

    Know you do.


    Behind the door the secrets hide.

    Its hidden in my mind, a place

    You will never find. Yet, you always

    Seem to...


    Im not to tollerant to the ways that

    You hurt me. Im not to

    tollerant to the ways that you taunt me.

    So go back from where u came,

    just taim yourself! And push me off a bridge,

    Into a lake, where you can leave me

    And my thaughts alone.


    haha... tell me if you like them... actually... they arent my favorites... I have better ones... oo well....



  7. ok.. I have been on here b 4 complaining about my friend Sammantha. ok, someone told me once that I was jelouse, because she has been ditching me for someone else.. And someone else told me to take her to get some coffee and talk to her. Tried it. It didnt work!! Ok, shes my best friend! or... WAS my BEST friend!! What should I do about her??




    Alone and upset

  8. ok... Just say hi. Tell them that they look familure and that u think that u might have seen them b 4. THen ask them their name. Now, dont flat out ask them their number. Ask them what they are interested in and tell them that u are interested in that stuff to. so, talk about it for awhile then say u have to go, but since u might have not finished ure convo. u wanted to so then ask them for ure #.


    hope it works!!

  9. I think my best friend is becoming BEST friends w/ my worst enimy..... I mean like... she and I had this thing where we were ABnormal twins and like... this other gurl stepped in and she tooker her from me...... I mean... It sounds dumb and all, but she has NOOO idea wut it feels like to lose a best friend like her!!! What should I do??? I am soooooooo confused!!!


    And now.... She and I like fight ALL the time!!


    All I want is to b best friends again... but she doesnt get it!!! Shes always like,"oo Abby! Stop being so dumb! U and I are still best friends!! Only, now *we'll call her Jaimie* Jaimie is one of my new best friends to!" But she has NOOOOOOOOOOO idea! She acts like they are new best friends!! She always ditches me for HER!


    Is it just jelousy or... wut?? PLLLLLLLLLLLLLLZ wright wut u think!! I need sooo mucho help!! Thankyou!!



    lost and confused

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