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Posts posted by Hailey

  1. Me and another workmate are fighting for one position/promotion. Our boss will meet both of us together very soon. I think he wants to see who has the best strategy for the company.


    My problem is - my workmate has more experience than me in certain area and she has better communication skill, more socialable. I start losing confident and get empty minded, not knowing what to say and have no idea what must say at the meeting in order to prove my capability.


    Much appreciated if anyone can advise any good idea and phrases that I should use.

  2. You're holding back that means you're not really that into this guy. You already have your answer. Yes he's a nice dude but you will feel regret if you chose him. You can't like a guy you don't want to kiss my dear! You'd want to kiss a guy because you like him.


    You don't need to be guilt. I believe everyone do have a preference on how a person look. I do! But you just won't tell to hurt that person.

  3. He's a little bit selfcentered I think. He shouldn't look at it as a mom's job, it's a team work. Looking after a child is not a easy task and require so much attention that you can't do it by yourself.


    You need to educate your hubby that he needs to sacrify not all, but at least some of his hobbies. He may not yet realise your feeling yet so tell him you already upto limit and really need his understanding and help. It's better to let him know early before the balloon blows up.

  4. Hi there! Does anyone know what kind of job a Gymn Manager do? It's literally means look after the gymn of course but what exactly it involved? I'm sort of sports event organiser and am planning to swap field.


    Would appreciated if anyone could give me some advices.

  5. We got married because we love each other and didn't think of having a baby by the time. When you got marriage for a certain period, you'll move on to a different stage and things changed. These changes not only in your living style but also in your mind too. He moves to a stage that having a child make a "Family" complete. I'm not yet reaching that stage. Yeah, I too think he's underestimated the responsibilities. He seems never understand how many a woman have to sacrify and the pressure for having a baby.


    I don't hate my hubby, I feel a bit guilty too. But I don't want to be regreted. I don't want our relationship be parted because of this.

  6. I've been discussing this issue with my hubby for months: He wants a Baby but I'm not ready yet (at least not these 2 years)! He wants a baby now cos he doesn't want to have a big generation gap with the kid. He LOVES kids and it's safer to give birth eariler than when we getting older. But for myself, I'm not a big fan of kids (especially at their 12s and think they know everything ). There're other things i still want to do and don't want to be dragged.


    Everytime we talked about it, we ended up with a fight. He said there's no point to be together if I not plan to have children. I know he's not but I got the impression that he wants a baby more than me which I'm quite upset about.


    I feel tired of this issue and had thought of giving up. I sometimes wondered if he got someoneelse, I'd be more relaxed and less guilt of not having his baby.


    I really not want a baby yet! Don't know what to do ?

  7. K8tie, that's exactly what I think - what he could do differently and what people think about him. Donno.... I'd look forward to true comments rather than some general advises if I was him.


    He've been open to all suggestions so far and probably would accept negative comments. The one Ticklebug suggested is safe in all sense. I will use that THANKS!

  8. My boss asked for my comments on him about his work and managment style etc. Not sure what to write. I don't want to give neutral comments cos it doesn't sound sincere... Too much flattering comments also sound immature or like an idiot.


    I need to reply by today! Would greatly appreciated if anyone can give me some advises or quotes.

  9. Hey Jetta! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


    I know what you mean about being in 30s. It like being a milestone, like a chapter in your life that you will be closing, because I felt like that too and it took me months to get over it (My 30th birthday two months ago ). Being in your 20s makes you feel carefree, no worries. But being in your 30s people expect you to be more 'grounded'. However, remember, it's how you make it: no expectations, no pressure! You probably felt "That's it?" but I can tell you there're alot more you can do! Just do it babe!


    I agreed it's a "thrill of the chase" at your "30s". I too (still) enjoyed that VERY MUCH cos it proved that you're still young and attractive. There's nothing wrong with that at all. Flirting is fun! But just one thing - Don't mix up lust and love. I'd say it's lust on the bartender. You'd deserve someone better!


    It's gonna be fine!

  10. Great! I think you'd done a good start discussing the issue with your husband and tried to sort things out. I know it took you huge courage to do so. Even if it didn't work, you both at least understood the feeling of each other. Afterall, it's not necessary be a nasty broke up anyway.


    You'll be alright. We always learn from the pains and be a better person.


    P.S. Have you heard a song call "The Long Goodbye" by Ronan Keating? I found the lyrics quite meaningful.

  11. I had such similar problem in my marriage too, the different is we knew we love each other and got married. After years, the relationship turns to be more of a "friendship" and can't find any sparkles. Same as you when my husband tells me he loves me, I don't really response coz I no more feel "loving him". Probably you did love your husband we you got married but you just get bored of your married life and things become "habits" and not really enjoying to be together.


    Having met some other guys only made me realizing more of my husband's not really my type of guy. And because you're "MARRIED", those guys won't take any action even if they like you . End up you can't do anything unless cut the ball with your husband before a new relationship (this was the feedback from my last post ). But it's hard to intiate it. I'm still attached (with my husband) but feel like locked in a cage going nowhere. That's not very healthy though.


    I think ALL marriages will transform from love to friendship to "relative" type of thing.

  12. Hmm.. not excatly like or dislike something. It's more on the "brain" .


    I found most of the time I will feel regret of what i'd decided or done the nite before (this is during the day), and try to get thing mixed. This confused my friends. But when it comes to nite, I believe I'd done the right thing before. It's not being moody, my mind just goes like that 0X .

  13. Thanks DG and kalshane (hugs).


    That's not many weird people in my life so far. Somehow it's quite uncomfortable to be such "distinct" and felt a bit left out .


    I went shopping with friends sometimes ago. I saw a dress quite nice and asked what they think and they just laughed. I was so embarrass.... but I still think the dress is nice .


    I wish I have those friends you have DG!

  14. Ouch! It's the first anniversary! I'll feel the same as you do.


    Would he forget about the anniversary? Men don't really remember these stuffs. If not, I think it's better tell him you don't like it. He now has a family and should be more "grounded' and "responsible". Why didn't you go with him there, although it might not be your favorite party?

  15. People sometimes like to creatnig rumors because of jealousy - she's cute; but there's also possibilies that she'd done those things and that's how people made statements on her. Donno.


    Afterall you donno her that much. Why not judge her characters until you get to know her better? You don't have to tell her bout the rumors, she might probably know that already. But just find out who she is before going further.

  16. I got an argument with a friend earlier and he said I was too weird to talk to and cut all the contacts.


    Well, I think I'm a bit weird sometimes. My mind works differently in day times and nite times. My friends said I'm nicer during the day and cool at nite. Hmmm.. hard to explain it here... for say, my decision made in the day would totally different from at the nite. And I'm not very interested in those girly stuffs like gossiping etc. and that recreated a gap between my friends. I just want to be myself and cos of my "weird" I have only a few close buddies. It's difficult to find a "real" friend that's really understand me.


    Am I in some kind of mental illness? What should I do? This not only affected me finding friends, also have certain effect on my bfriend too .


    If anyone could give me some advises would be nice.

  17. Hi striderhiryu81,


    Sorry to have misleaded you. I didn't mean you saying that the marriage had to be perfect.


    It's a human natural that people tends to be protective. Having a safety net seems not very romantic and selfish but we need it there cuz we failed once. You might be right that we're coward too. In fact, ending a relationship is not easy too and no one wants to intiate it.


    "Back off" perhaps a more considerate act for a guy, not to have anyone get hurt. The thing is, the relationship started with both knowing the background. I had a crush exactly the same situation and the guy suddenly drew back saying that "it's not right" and that made me feel so bad. It would be easier to deal with if he did that before the relationship started.


    If he could stay there and had tried to go through all the bad times together, at least there could be a different outcome. But I understand guy needs big courage to carry this "heavy" relationship on his shoulder. No one wants their love to be kept in secret.

  18. Hey guys,


    I got confused after seeing what you guys had written. I'm one of "those" married woman and had a few crushes and end up aparted because of the same reason you guys talking bout.


    Most people would say it's ok to look but not to touch, I agreed but not all marriage are "perfect", some even lose their passion but just leave it teh way it is . That's why some married women (and men also) keep 'looking' around for better 'chances' to have their life brightened up.


    It sounds unfair but the truth is, we want to anchor on the current relationship if the 'secret' affair turns out to be bad, you know... can't risk the second time.


    In your case, you already knew she's married and you did the approach and now you back off... well, I felt sorry for that woman. I personally think it was a coward move. You'd given her a better life, who knows. She's serious on the relationship was a good sign but you just stepped on it because it's too heavy for you .


    I'm sorry for giving you all these negative opinions, love is all around .


    Good luck!

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