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  1. Okay I need some advice. I have a great boyfriend who I have been with for nearly 6months, however he is actually the friend of one of my ex boyfriends, so things were a bit rocky at the beginning. Approximately 1 maybe 2months into the relationship me, him and our friends were at a bar. We both had a great night and came back to my place. When we got home he ended up passing out from the amount of alcohol he had consumed. While he was asleep he was getting endless calls and text messages on his mobile phone so I eventually answered them to tell whoever it was that he was asleep. There was a message from his friend (my ex boyfriend) saying "what have you done and how could you do that?!" i replied saying "what?" and got a reply saying "you know what you did" I called his friend and was told that my boyfriend has kissed another girl on the dancefloor while I was on the other side of the bar. To cut the story down a little. No one saw it happen, my boyfriend doesn't remember so it may or may not have happened, but there have been incidents when i swear he has admitted it but I can't be sure, the girl (who is my ex's girlfriends sister) says nothing happened they were just dancing... my boyfriend rarely dances, unless I drag him onto the dancefloor! For all I know he drank, cheated and forgot and it may not have been the first time. My boyfriend believes it was all said to break us up because my ex boyfriend is jealous of what we have. But even though I love him to pieces I just can't trust him especially when he drinks. I'm always suspicious about why he's late even if it's only half and hour, but he promises that he would never do such a thing because he doesn't want to lose me for anyone... I just don't know... I can't get over it! Please help!!
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