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Posts posted by OoOHuggyOoO

  1. Last year I broke up with a long term g/f which put ALOT of stress upon me. And Im also pretty lazy, dont exercise much but Im not really out of shape. Im not overweight(acctually I'm small for my age 5'5" about 120). Im scared that all of this has damaged my heart. Everyone is telling me it's probably Anxiety but it happens somtimes when Im not thinking about it.

  2. I've been to the doctor before I knew it was called a PVC because I was having palpitations. He ran and EKG and found no palpitations and told me that my heart was beating normal. Afterwards I felt a bit calmer. But latley I have been feeling extreme Anxiety when I do get the palpitations so Im connecting the 2. The only thing is, sometimes I get the palpitations when Im not even thinking about my heart(But mostly when Im Anxious). The doctor still doesnt know that I'm having PVCs, which Im planning on going back to him AGAIN and explaining to him that Im almost 100% Im having what's called a PVC. Hopefuly it is stress related and not anything serious. I've had an EKG and have had blood tests ran(I dont think they did a cholsetoral screening) and everything returned normal.



    Any advice or words of encouragement would be very appreciated(I need it!). I just need to try and calm down!

  3. I feel the exact same way you do, not trying to sound kocky or anything, but I do feel as if I can offer alot but always end up gettin hurt. I always feel as if Im geing "too good" to the person I'm with, as I feel they're going to hurt me at any moment. Im tired of being hurt so damn much!'



    sonjam: Wow, man....just wow. That was an awsome post. But I do dissagree on some parts. One reason is because, I know a couple who have been together since 7th grade and are now happily married.

  4. A kiss isnt something you plan. If it feels right at the time, give her a normal kiss. Since it's the first date you dont wanna rush into it too fast. I'd say if it feels right just give her a normal kiss and if she wants tongue, she'll use hers.


    I talked to this girl on the phone for a while, and we flirted. On our first date, I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Second date, I kissed her expecting just to get a normal kiss from her, but then, I felt her tongue, lol. So just stick to a normal kiss on the first date.

  5. But you cant forget, being a nice guy is one of the best ways to get into a girls pants. Especially the type of girl who isnt into just sleeping with anyone. Personally, I like being a nice guy. I have alot of girl friends, which most of them I've dated already. Being a nice guy makes the girl feel confortable around you, which can bring out sides of her that you would have never seen. And then, knowing and liking the person you're having sex with makes the experience 110% better! Nice guy has always worked for me(#2 nice guy of course).


    ECD, sorry, but I'm not the kind of guy who screws everything that walks.

  6. Yea, I am releived that she is my ex. She's a really clean girl and she never had bad heygein, it's just her vagina. When I say pants, I mean pajama pants(they're thin), but that's still pathetic. She's the first girl I've had any sexual experience with and I was curious as to if this was normal or not. Thanx for the replies. *Is releived to find out it'll be easier to eat this new chick out without having to worry about not liking the smell of vagina*(lol jk )

  7. My ex g/f loved for me to go down on her, she comes really quick. Usually in about 3-5 minutes(with G-spot stimulation). Problem is.....her smell is so strong that sometimes I acctually want to gag. It's hard for me to stay down on her for more than a few minutes because of the smell. Might be a hard question to answer, but how is it suppose to smell? I mean damn, this is like a horrible smell. I know a vagina is suppose to have a smell but not this bad. It acctually smelled almost exactly like fish food. Is this normal(I hope not cuz I love to go down on chicks). I've heard that each woman has a different smell. Are there any other guys who ran into a chick with a really bad smell? Sometimes I could smell it through her pants when she wore thin pants....



    This whole question is quite funny, but someone give me answers!

  8. Nice guy finish last?! HAH! Since when? HONASTLY that's how I usually hook up with chicks. I guess it's because nice guys are rare around here and when a chick meets one she's surprised. I always get the "you're not like most guys". I dunno bout you guys, but I'm stayin a "nice guy", but you wont see me finish last.

  9. Dude this is crazy. I was thinking about making a post just like this one. Im in your situation. Not to sound coky, but alot of girls think I'm attractive so I usually attract the wild party girls(*sigh* wishes he'd attract a good girl). The only difference is that I like parties and like to party with those kind of girls, but I like good girls and will only go out with good girls. I want a chick with morals who respects herself unlike most girls down where I live. I think they're extinct. I only know of 2 girls around my area that are good/shy girls and Im dating one of them. If things dont go well with this one, I GIVE UP ON TRYING TO FIND A GOOD GIRL!

  10. I know how you feel man. Everytime Im ready to start dating again the same thing happens....a few months into dating and WAM I get hit with another chick I really start to like and I cant stop thinkin about her. Thats what happened to me recently, but for me things are goin well. Me and the girl are dating and will probably "hook up" soon. But for you my friend, I think you need to just swallow your pride and try your best to be her friend. You never know, if you're sweet and nice to her for a while, she may end up falling for you. Just give it time. And if it doesnt turn out the way you wanted it to, life goes on. 0X

  11. Well, dude, if you have no confidence then forget it. You NEED confidence....or chicks just wont dig you. I'm 16 and I'm 5'5", dont know how much I weigh, but Im not real big neither small. I guess you could call me averge build(for my height) and Im doin pretty damn well with girls, lol. I guess it's cuz I mainly go for short chicks. But yea, worry about getting more confident of yourself before you worry about height(there's nothin you can do bout height anyway).

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